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The news about the dead Freshman spread fast. By noon everyone on Campus knew what happened and this only made Lauren and Mani more anxious to find the two youngest of their group. 

By 3 they were about to give up on everything until they walked into Nicky's and saw both girls playing pool against some huge bike riders. 

"And that is game gentlemen now please pay up" Dinah says with a smirk and holding out her hand after sinking in the 8 ball. 

"No you cheated. There is no way you could have made that shot" One of the huge guys shout getting closer to Dinah in a Dangerous approach. 

"Crap there two idiots come on" Mani says speed walking to the pool table to save Dinah's ass again. 

"Hey, Hey, Hold on, hold on" Mani says stepping in quickly before the guy got to close. 

"Your little friends there just hustled me out of $400." The same guy shouts with a red face. 

"Wait a minute. First off back up" Lauren says getting involved now and pushing the guy back 

"Second how can some one cheat at pool? She took the shot and it went in. Simple as that. Now I suggest you pay up and you and your friend start walking out before we have a problem." Lauren says in an icy yet calm tone. 

"You little fucking.." and before the guy could finish his sentence A fist connected with his nose and all that could be heard was a loud crack.

"Again I suggest that you pay up and you and your friend start walking out" Lauren repeated in the same tone while fixing her jacket. 

"We'll, we'll do that so-sorry" The guys friend says still in shock while taking out the money, putting it on the pool table and then picking up his friend who groaned with a bleeding nose. 

"GO!" Lauren says making the guy jump and practically run out. 

"I could have handled him" Dinah says grabbing the money off the table once the two guys are out of site. 

"Out back now" Lauren orders in a more menacing tone

"What's up her ass?" Dinah asks in a whisper towards Normani as they start walking. 


"Alright all mighty Lauren we are outside what is it now?" Dinah asks in a challenging tone but is quick to replace her tone when she sees Lauren's eyes turn completely black instead their normal bluish green. 

"You have the nerve to ass me that shit after what you did last night" Lauren growls while pulling her hand back and pushing it forward releasing a huge gust of power that hits Dinah right in the chest making her slam against the brick wall. 

"Lauren breathe" Normani states while placing her hand on her best friend's shoulder 

"No Mani I tired of her fucking bullshit. Her recklessness and her lack of respect to everything" Lauren shouts getting ready to release another blow

"Lauren stop what are you talking about." Ally questions scared of what Lauren might do with her next shot

"Don't play dumb Allison Brooke, You and dip shit here fucked up last night and ended up killing a freshman" Lauren replies sending a glare to Ally as well. 

"Wait a minute we didn't do shit." Dinah says getting up slowly and fixing her jacket

"We went back to Campus after dropping you two off. I actually ran into some hot girl in my Bio class and talked to her for a while before heading home" Ally states Looking at Normani and Lauren

"So you never went back to the Bonfire location?" Normani asks 

"Hell no. We might be dumb sometimes but we know when to stay away from a place full of cops." Dinah replies while rubbing the spot where she got hit. 

"I swear Dinah if you two are lying to me" Lauren warns 

"We swear we didn't do anything" Ally responses

"Then who the fuck sent me the darkling?" Lauren asks looking at Normani

"What the fuck? A darkling?" Dinah semi shouts of 

"Yes Dinah a fucking Darkling. In this town we are the only ones with that type of power. So if it wasn't any of you. Who was it? Lauren says running her hand through her hair trying to calm down. 

"Have you told your dad?" Ally asks 

"You know I don't talk to him" Lauren replies with a glare

"But he's an elder he can provide information" Ally tries to counter

Right when she was a about to response her phone goes off. 

"Just my fucking luck. It's mom" Lauren says taking out her phone and taking a breath

"Hey mom" Lauren answers while looking at her 3 friends. 

"Mija you need to come to the house now" Her mother says and Lauren already knows why. Her Father.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes" The Latina answers then ends the call. 

"So what do we do?" Dinah asks 

"For now minimize power usage and I'll look into it. I have to go" Lauren says putting her phone away and leaving to head to her car. 


"Ma I'm home. What's the issue?" Lauren asks walking into the living room where her mother always is

"You tell me. What's this I hear from your school?" Her mother asks

A/N: sorry for the long wait lots of stuff is going on . I hope you like this chapter

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