The confirmation

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His Hybrid senses went on over drive after noticing the resemblance. Right in front of him sat his possible daughter and not only that but his niece had confessed earlier to possibly being in love with said girl. It wasn't something that could be considered impossible since they would be considered distant cousins since Lauren is the daughter of his actual niece Clara who would be this younger girl's cousin. But the main question the man had was, is this young girl aware of her powers? had she had her first transformation yet? He needed those answers but first he needed the confirmation. 

"Do you girls need a refill on your drinks?" He asks noticing that their cups were almost empty. 

"Uh yeah, thanks Uncle Mika" Lauren says looking at the older man with a strange stare and handing him both cups

"I'll be right back and don't worry about pausing the movie" He says then steps out of the room and head towards the kitchen. 

"Is your uncle okay, Laur?" Camila asks after the man is out of sight

"Yeah, he probably used the drink excuse to answer a phone call" Lauren states passing it off as nothing then pulling the girl closer


"Clara, listen I need you and Micheal to come home fast. No nothing is wrong, it's just I think I might have something that can help find my daughter" Mika states 

"Okay great you'll be here in 45 minutes that's fine" Mika says then hangs up. 

"Mind telling me why you called my parents in a hurry?" Lauren says walking into the kitchen 

"Lo, shit you scared me kid" Mika says 

"I repeat, why did you call my parents and ask them to come home right away" Lauren asks 

"Don't freak out but, I think I know something about um Camila" Mika responds 

"And that is?" Lauren questions

"She might be my daughter" Mika states 

"Bullshit, come on Uncle Mika, are you serious right now?" Lauren asks 

"Look Lo, I'm not completely sure but she looks exactly like my late wife. You wouldn't remember her because you were a baby but that girl sitting in your home theater looks exactly like her when she was that age" Mika says trying to control his emotions

"I know I don't remember her and I wish I did but is Camila is your daughter what would that mean for me? I told you I'm falling in Love with her and you know how hard it is for me to even trust someone enough to thinks of those emotions" Lauren replies 

"I won't let what ever outcome affect the relationship you might have with her. But I need to know. This is my only child Lauren. My only Child" Mika says looking at his niece 

"Fine but I don't want mom and dad meeting her yet. If that happens it will be a disaster" Lauren states knowing how her father might react and especially knowing her mother who seems to have no type of filter 

"Okay that is fine" Now let's go and finish the movie. I think we have left Camila alone long enough." Mika states 

"Uh you are forgetting one thing. The drinks" Lauren says pointing at the empty cups.

"Right, um which one is yours?" Mika asks and Lauren points at the one with less liquid in it. 

"Okay pass me a new cup for Camila" Mika states and Lauren passes him the cup. 

"Alright kid do your stuff" Mika says and Lauren just shakes her head before making a slight move of her wrist and both cups are filled 


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