Chapter 10: We Miss You Kay

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Chapter 10
The door slammed shut and I quickly rolled down the window to wave to my friends one more time.
When I looked I saw everyone who cared about me and who I cared about.
Lisa was sobbing into Mark's shoulder, Sarah just watched as tears rolled down her face, and lastly I saw Mia sobbing into Nash's chest as he rubbed her back.
Before the driver started to pull out of our driveway I jumped out and ran to Nash.
He set Mia on the ground and stood up to his full height and opened his arms.
I ran into his arms and held onto him for as long as I could before they would pull me away forever.
"Take care of her." I whispered in his ear.
I think he shivered but it was because it was cold.
"I promise." He whispered back.
I pulled away, tears streaming freely down my face.
I gave a small, sad smile to the only people that ever cared about me.
I sat back in the truck and slammed the door shut.
The truck driver pulled out of my (or what used to be my) driveway and on to the open road.
It wasn't long before I fell fast asleep. All that crying can really wear a person out.
So I leaned my head against the window and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up in a strange bed not really sure where the heck I was until the moving guy came in and I screamed.
"What the heck are you doing?!" I screamed as he jumped back in surprise.
"I was........ umm..... I....... I thought you were asleep" he said not answering my question.
Shaking my head I sighed, "how many more boxes do you have to bring up here?" I asked annoyed.
"Oh this is um.. the last one." He said running down the stairs.
Huffing I threw off my blankets and got up.
"Kay! Get down here this instant!" a booming voice yelled.
I jumped and I remembered where I was.
I was in my uncles house.
I ran downstairs noticing I was in the same clothes I was wearing last night in the moving truck.
"Finally! What do I have to do to get a child who knows how to make herself useful?" he said looking to the heavens.
"I.... um....I was.... just a little tired. Sorry uncle." I said timidly.
This guy only got more intimidating didn't he? I can already tell he faked the whole 'I'm better' thing and he's still the crazy man these people took me away from.
"DON'T call me uncle. I'm not relatives with a filthy brat like you." He spat.
"Sorry Mike." I said calling my uncle by his real name.
"You should be!" he snorted.
"I'm deciding to be nice and hold my fist back this morning. Tonight you might not get so lucky. Go try to make your self at least a little presentable. You have school." He said harshly.
I turned and dashed upstairs. I pulled on simple black jeans and a pink t-shirt that said 'Be You'.
I grabbed my bag I already packed. Knowing my uncle he wouldn't tell me something like this.
I was about to walk out the door when a large hand grabbed my shoulder.
I turned around to see Mike holding a knife.
I gasped. Scared for my life. Getting the signal he looked at the knife and scoffed.
"Please. I wouldn't waste a perfectly good knife on a piece if junk like you." He said.
"You are to be back here by three o'clock. You should have enough time to get out of school and back here. Then I'll have the ingredients for dinner. Make it. I'm bringing this cute blonde here and you won't meet her. You'll be up in your room. Understood?" he asked.
I nodded quickly and turned to run out the door.
I walked quickly to school and entered through the front doors.
I walked to the principals office where I got my new schedule and locker number and code.
A few hours later the bell rang for lunch and I went straight to the library.
There I made small talk with the librarian who was a sweet old lady named Gracie.
I sat down and opened a great book. One of my favorites! The Secret Garden!
I was just finishing the first chapter when a saw someone sit across from me.
"Hey!" he said his green eyes sparkling.
"Um... hi." I said nervously. I hadn't really talked to anyone today so I had no friends.
"I'm Dylan." He said flicking his bouncy dirty blonde hair.
"I'm Kay." I said more nervous now.
"Nice to meet you! Your the new girl right? Everyone's been talking about you!" He said.
"Oh perfect!" I said sarcasm dripping from my voice.
"Well all the guys anyways. Most of them say your really hot and mysterious." He said.
HA! What kind of joke are these people playing?
"Ha! Good joke Dylan! Nice one! Any way, I have to get to class so bye!" I said standing up.
I had to get out of there before I did something stupid.
He was good looking for sure, but, he was no Nash.
"Wait!" he said standing up and knocking his chair down.
Earning a glare and a 'Shh' from Gracie's co-worker.
We looked at each other and I giggled at his apologetic face.
We walked out of the library and parted ways.
'Well maybe it won't be so bad?' My head told me.
The second I thought that Nash's image came flashing through my mind and I let a tear fall down my face.
I hurriedly walked outside and took a deep breath pulling out my phone and dialing a number.
"Ring ring. Ring ring. Kay? I've been waiting for you to call all day!" Nash's worried voice came through and my heart broke.
"Nash. I miss you so much!" I said with a voice that told anyone I've obviously been crying.
"Shh. It's ok. I'll see you soon! Don't worry! How's your uncle?" he asked.
"Horrible! I didn't think he could get any more psychotic but it happened!" I said into the phone.
"Nash? Who is that?" I heard a girls voice in the background.
I got suspicious then decided the voice was to young to be able to date Nash. Not that I was jealous or anything. Pfft. What? Nope! Not this girl! Ok ok I was really paranoid he'd find a girl he really liked.
"Oh it's Kay." He told the girl.
This was followed by a scream and a quick request to talk to me.
Laughing he said, "I think she wants to talk to you Flash. Probably the only person who wanted to more than me." He said.
My heart put itself back together when he said that.
"KAY KAY KAY KAY!!!!!!!!" the voice screamed through the phone.
"Hi! Who am I talking to? I can't tell the voice very well over the phone." I asked feeling bad.
"It's Mia!" the voice said and I instantly recognized it.
"MIA!! Hi! How have you been?" I asked so glad to be talking to her.
"Ok I guess. It's not the same without you. Nash and Hayes have been staying and helping Lisa and Mark around the house. Nash said he just HAD to stay and help. But I think he just likes seeing the pictures of you over the fire place." She said.
I started laughing at that.
"Ok Mia I think we should get you back to the house!" Nash said quickly taking the phone from Mia.
I giggled. I'm glad he's there for them.
"Thank you Nash. For being there for them." I said.
"No problem princess! And it is nice to see you happy in those pictures." He said.
I laughed. "Stalker!" I said.
"Am not!" he said. "Mia is calling me. I took her out for lunch. To get her mind off things. Nobody went to school today. Hayes likes Mia so he was cool to hang out with them. They're actually getting along pretty well!" he said.
I smiled warmly at the thought of Mia and Hayes happy together.
"I sadly have to go. Bye princess. I miss you. We all miss you." He said making my heart break again.
"I miss you too. And everyone else. But I miss you." I said.
Then we hung up and I went back to that hellish place they call school.

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