Chapter 22: Practice and Perfect

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Chapter 22
I went to get the books I had forgotten when I see Nash and this other kid hanging out by my locker.
No big deal right? Well apparently not.
"Out of the entire school, you choose her? You could have any girl you went for. And you choose her?" The football player asked.
"Yes is there a problem with that?" Nash said proudly.
He really doesn't care. Or does he know I'm listening?
"Um yes and no. She's just a weird chick. One of the guys I knew used to like her until he looked more closely. She never ate, she wasn't exactly social, and some of her outfits look like something a homeless person would wear." The jerk said plainly.
I stopped listening after that. Nothing Nash could defend me with could prove that wrong. Cause it was right.
I don't eat. Not a lot anyway. I'm always trying to live off necessity not want.
I don't like talking with people. Cause people just turn and walk out the door on you when you truly need them. And I'm waiting for Nash to do just that.
My clothes, I never took pride in but I am getting better than sweat pants and a sweat shirt.
Somethings will never change. I'll never liked talking or eating but there's always room for improvement.
I was done hearing this.
I walked up behind Nash and when he noticed and looked at me I wanted to throw my arms around his neck and cry into his shoulder but I kept a calm face as the two boys just watched me.
I grabbed my books and walked back to my class where I spent the entire time spaced out. Thinking about what the boy had said.
When the last bell finally rang, signaling the end of the day, everyone rushed to meet their friends waiting outside the classroom.
Everyone except me.
If Nash was standing out there right now I wouldn't go out.
But I have no idea so I'm just going to wait. I love Mr. Betters and he knew my 'socially impaired situation' so it was all good.
The hallway grew quieter and quieter until I was certain nobody else was waiting outside.
I snuck to my locker and opened it. If I hadn't made a habit of writing on the board I have in my locker I probably would've missed it.
There was a letter written on my board saying the following:
Dear Kay,
I hope you don't take anything that happened this afternoon to heart. He has no right to judge you. He doesn't even know your name. Please, I want to make it up to you so come by and watch football practice and then I have a surprise. Please come.
I reread this a few times before I picked up my bag an walked to the football field.
The coach blew the whistle signaling the end of practice as the players made their way towards the bench.
I stood outside the field for about ten minutes when Nash finally emerged.
"Ready to go home?" He asked as I nodded eagerly.
We both climbed the stairs and sitting there was a perfect dinner for two.
"Nash who's coming over?" I asked confused.
Maybe he does cars about someone else? Maybe I pushed him too far away and no he thinks I don't like him anymore? What of he likes another girl? What if-
My rapid thoughts were interrupted by someone taking my hand.
I looked down to see Nash's tan hand holding my pale one. They fit perfectly.
He pulled a chair out for me and was a perfect gentleman all night.
"Do you like it Kay?" he asked playing with his fingers. Nervous habit.
"It's wonderful! No ones ever done this for me before." I said truthfully.
He visibly relaxed and everything seemed perfect between us.
Maybe I am ready to give this a second chance

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