Rip Hunter x Reader

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Hello again everyone, I'm finally able to publish this so I hope y'all like it! This one I just thought of after Rip time scattered everyone across the time line. Don't forget to comment what you think if you want, anyway, enjoy!


     There he was. After all my time of being stuck in 1945, to being taken back to the Waverider just to deal with time aberrations, we've finally found him. And he didn't even know who he was.

     We came to 1967 looking for the spear of destiny before the legion of doom could find it, and instead we find Rip. I should be happy, it's been months since I've seen my love and I should go running into his arms after all this time. But no, he threw the team out all across the timeline so that he could sacrifice himself.

     We luckily found Rip before Darhk and Merlyn could take him. And after him getting thrown into jail and another rescue mission we finally got him safely back on the Waverider.

     I decided to go into Rip's old office since it always reminded me of our time together and look at all his trinkets that he's gathered throughout time. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock by the doorway.

     "Sorry to disturb you, I just didn't know where to go." Rip.....or at least who I thought was Rip said pointing around the maze of a ship.

     "It's alright, I was just thinking." I say glancing down to my feet and away from him.

     "About Rip?" He asked walking into the office. I glance up to see him also looking down and avoiding eye contact. "Everyone else in this place has already come yelling at me to remember, so I've been wandering, trying to get away." He looks back up at me and I see the sad look in his eyes. The same look Rip had when he thought of Miranda or Jonas. "I'm guessing you two were close?"

     "Yeah, something like that. He was the love of my life. You, were the love of my life." I say looking to him for hope.

     "Look lady, I'm sorry but I'm not Rip Hunter!" He said getting frustrated at the constant comparison.

     "I know. I'm sorry." I turn to him and walk until I'm standing in front of him. "It's just, I hope you know how hard it is for us to see you after us going months without our Captain, and me without my true love." I lost all power over my actions and wrapped my arms around him, embracing him in a hug. He wasn't Rip, at all, but it still felt right in some way. You felt his arms go around your back, probably in pity but in this moment you didn't care.

     "I wish I was the man you are asking for, but I'm just a film director." We pulled apart and I looked at him in his eyes. They weren't as bright as Rip's but they were still his. I decided to take one final chance at getting his memory back and hoped to god it would work.

     I put both my hands on either side of his face and put my lips on his. It was light but I put as much love into this kiss as I possibly could. His taste wasn't like Rip's, it was more drug and alcohol filled. But what else would you expect from the 60's. I pulled back to look at him hoping something had changed. But as I opened my eyes to see him clearly his eyes still held pain and sadness.

     "I'm sorry." And with that I quickly left the room to find my own. That's it then, Rip's gone and I'm not sure he's ever coming back.

Another imagine done, hoped you liked it and if you even want a part 2, make sure to tell me. But anyway comment what you thought and I'll upload the next imagine as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!

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