04 | unconcious

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The sound of panicked footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. Within a second, Jisoo felt a presence beside her lifeless body.

Saying Jisoo was good at pretending to faint was an understatement. It was a talent. She had used the skill to her advantage in the past, appearing helpless in one second and stabbing straight through her target in the next. However, this time was different— this time she had to wait to be saved.

"Hey, are you alright?" she heard Taehyung say beside her ear, his deep voice laced with concern.

"Can you hear me?" This time, his words were accompanied by a gentle shake to her shoulder.

"Taehyung-ah, what happ- oh."

The sound of more footsteps appeared. Jisoo easily identified them as the blonde's bandmates from their use of casual honorifics. No one uttered a word for a solid minute. She only heard the shuffling of multiple people around her.

"What'd you do to her?" another male's voice sounded from above her position on the floor, breaking the everlasting silence.

"I didn't do anything! I— Yah, Jungkook! Don't touch her!"

Jisoo felt a cold hand gently touching her forehead to check her temperature. Luckily, her skin felt hotter than usual due to her previous flustered state from being deliberately laughed at for missing all of the bathroom directory signs. She hated to admit she didn't mind the cooling touch.

"Are foreheads supposed to be that hot?" the male, Jungkook, asked after removing his hand from Jisoo's skin.

"Hey Yoongi-hyung, come here so I can compare your temp— Ow! Okay fine, you didn't have to slap me!"

"Guys, cut it out! I don't know what happened, she— she just fainted after I left." Taehyung's voice wavered, sounding genuinely concerned.

"What should we—"

"Is everything okay over here?" she heard a voice in the distance ask the group of boys surrounding her.

"No, this girl fainted right after I finished talking to her and she's not waking up..."

As proud as she felt for catching Taehyung's attention, Jisoo was starting to get uncomfortable as her left leg tingled, the first signs of her leg falling asleep. She never had to stay in her fainted facade for long, always killing her targets the second they got close enough to strike. It didn't help that she fell at an awkward angle, her leg crossing over the other to cover her dress.

Jisoo felt yet another presence scoot beside her. His hand rested on her forehead, checking her temperature.

"Her skin feels pretty hot," the new male muttered.

"I told you, hyung!" Jisoo heard Jungkook whisper loudly before hearing another slap accompanied by a small "ow."

"I'll take her to the staff room to rest and call a medic. You guys keep preparing for the show. Good luck on your performance."

Jisoo finally recognized the voice of the new party, Bobby. He must have realized the situation the female threw herself into and came to assist her.

Jisoo was suddenly lifted into Bobby's arms as he stood up, ready to help her escape from the scene. She fought back the urge to cringe, the tingling in her leg tripling from the brisk movement.

"Wait!" Taehyung stopped the male before he could even take a step. "I'll come with you. You guys get ready without me, I'll be back before our performance starts."

Jisoo wasn't sure whether to be happy or annoyed. For one, she succeeded in attracting him... just not in the way the president intended when he assigned her the mission. But, another part of her wanted her fainting act to come to an end. She felt pins poking at her legs whenever Bobby took a step, jostling her in the process.

"Do you have any idea why she may have fainted?" asked Bobby, breaking the silence.

"No, she was just lost looking for the bathroom, so I told her to just follow the signs. Nothing seemed off about her when we talked. Except..." Taehyung seemed to have realized something judging from his sharp breath intake. "She did seem pretty anxious... and she also seemed a bit red after I pointed out a sign. I thought she just really had to go to the bathroom," he confessed sheepishly.

Jisoo heard Bobby chuckle before immediately concealing it with a subtle cough. If the female wasn't occupied with pretending to be unconscious, she would elbow her fellow agent straight in his gut. Taehyung's words made her blush a deeper red. She definitely wouldn't regret killing him now.

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