11 | aftermath

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"H-hey!" the male dropped his bag of groceries that was seemingly from the convenience store that her previous target was attempting to stop at.

Unable to make a single move due to her shock at the sudden circumstances, she only stared at him wide-eyed. Taehyung dashed towards her side, watching the blood drip from her wound and wincing at the sight.

"I'll– I'll call the cops. Don't worry," Jisoo heard the male stutter, panicked by the sight of an injured person in the depths of an alleyway.

Shit, Jisoo couldn't help but curse in her thoughts. The police couldn't possibly be involved. The body was still hidden behind the dumpster after all. With the possibility of law enforcement swarming the scene, the aftermath agents wouldn't have the opportunity to clean up after Jisoo's mission.

"No!" the female failed to repress her outburst at the mention of law enforcement.

Taehyung looked up from his dial pad with panicked eyes, not expecting her sudden outburst.

"H-hurts. I can't. Please..." Jisoo whimpered in pain, clutching her wound to make her exaggeration believable.

"It'll take too long for the ambulance to come. Just please," she paused, slumping against the brick wall in weakness, "please take me to the hospital."

"Taehyung, is everything oka- oh my god!"

Great, Jisoo thought as she clutched onto her wound tighter, another person to deter her from completing the mission.

"Hyung, help me get her into the car. No time to explain!" Taehyung yelled in a panic, already moving closer towards Jisoo to help her.

The agent couldn't help but pity him. Despite not knowing who she was under the cover of her mask, he once again fell into her deceptive act, and both times he had to care for her. At least this time, she was actually injured to an extent.

As Taehyung slung an arm around Jisoo to support her to the car, she let out a small hiss, actually feeling the effects of her injury now that her adrenaline had normalized and she no longer felt invincible.

"Wait, she's going to get blood all over the seats," warned her target's acquaintance as they neared the vehicle.

"Fuck Yoongi, she's literally bleeding out and you're worried about your car seats?" Taehyung bit at him, angrily glaring at his concern for his car over the injured female.

"Okay, okay, just put her in the back and I'll drive to the hospital."

As Taehyung opened the door of the back and gently lowered Jisoo onto the seats with a comforting "you'll be okay," the agent met the eyes of an inconspicuous female in a trench coat walking alongside a similarly dressed male. At the contact, the pair nodded towards Jisoo and she repressed a sigh of relief at the sight of her aftermath agents, Suhyun and Chanhyuk.

Finally able to calm down knowing that the body and weapon would be discarded of properly, Jisoo muttered a "thank you" to Taehyung and, who she remembered to be his bandmate, Yoongi.

"I'll stay in the back with her to make sure she's okay. Just try to go as fast ask you can," Taehyung informed the other as he climbed in next to Jisoo with an expression full of concern.

"Hyung, can you go any faster?" Taehyung gritted out after glancing at Jisoo and seeing the middle seat beside her stained in red.

"You can't expect me to go faster when there's traffic! Why didn't you call for an ambulance instead?" Yoongi growled from the driver's seat, knuckles turning white from his grip on the steering wheel.

"I- I don't know. I panicked and she told me that an ambulance would take too long to arrive."

"And you thought we were more qualified to drive her there? Now it's all up to us to deliver her to the hospital. Shit Taehyung, what if she bleeds out before we can make it?" Yoongi worriedly rambled as if Jisoo wasn't seated a couple feet behind him in the back.

"I'm okay," the female finally spoke up, trying her best to reassure him despite being in pain.

It's not like she hasn't been stabbed before.

When she raised her head after being deep in thought, she met the eyes of Taehyung, who refused to take his eyes off of her to make sure she was really as okay as she said she was.

"Don't worry," she mumbled, looking away from this intense stare.

"You're the one bleeding out, and I'm the one getting comforted. Do I really look that nervous?" Taehyung spoke up from beside her.

"Yes," Jisoo almost laughed despite still feeling the sting of her injury, "you do."

"I really do hope you'll be okay," he whispered, but his sentence was masked by the sound of the engine.

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