15 | outbreak

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This might be triggering to some so please be warned!

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I do wrong?" the girl whimpered as she cowered on the floor, pushing her bruised knees to her chest in order to make herself small.

The perpetrator simply laughed, feeling satisfaction from the other's fear, a cruel, ugly smile curling up on her lips.

"What did you do? Don't play stupid with me. You know exactly what you fucking did!" the smile disappeared from the woman's lips, a scowl replacing it, making the girl flinch at the woman's raise of tone.

"You think you have the right to question me as if you did nothing wrong? You ruined my life and you dare prance around as if you were innocent, tch," the woman scoffed.

"This isn't even a quarter of the suffering I went through, so suck it up and live with your punishment."

The girl would usually believe her, make herself feel as if she actually deserved this, as if this was her way to repay her mother for everything she has done wrong, but she couldn't stand it anymore.

She would just helplessly sit and take it with her eyes clenched shut and her fingernails digging into her palms as a way of distracting herself from the physical and mental pain of her mother's abuse.

As the woman approached the girl again with a look of pure menace on her eyes, something inside the girl broke, her heart racing and her body's instinct coming to life.

Her mother had carelessly dropped the knife that she used to cut the girl's hair minutes before, taunting her that she was now ugly both inside and out.

"No one will ever love you now," she had told her as she choppily cut across the girl's long black hair.

Whereas the girl dismissed the knife's placement moments before, she was now all too aware of how close it really was to her– almost in reach if she could just stretch a little further–

"Agh!" as she was distracted eyeing the weapon across from her, the woman had the perfect opportunity to land an unsuspecting kick to the girl's side, making her fall forward in shock.

"Tch, ugly and weak, how can anyone love you?" she heard against the rapid beating of her heart.

With her body sprawled out on the floor, the knife was in perfect reach, luring her with the sharp shine of the blade.

She couldn't take it anymore. Whereas she usually felt fear in the presence of her mother, she now felt utter disgust. She couldn't even stand breathing the same air as her.

"No," she whispered coldly, her hand finally grasping the handle of the weapon, "how can you be so ugly?"

"Wait, dear," the woman backed away as she caught a glimpse of the shiny blade in her daughters fragile hands, shocked at the girl's action.

The girl rose from her position on the floor, wincing in pain but nevertheless standing up to confront her tormenter. She had never retaliated once in her sixteen years of life.

"Think about this please, sweetheart," her mother pleaded as the girl approached her with the knife in hand, a cold stare and an unreadable dead expression plastered on her face.

"I'm sorry, you know mom was never serious right? I was just caught up in my emotions, but I never meant anything I said... I'm your mother," the woman muttered apologetically, backing up until she was trapped against the wall.

"It's too late," the girl whispered, making a chill run down the woman's spine for the first time.

"You disgust me."

The woman was unable to make reply, choking down her scream as her blood ran cold.

"-soo! Jisoo!"

Light suddenly filled the female's vision as the curtains were drawn back, allowing sunlight to penetrate the once pitch-black room.

"Nngh," Jisoo groaned as she turned over, facing her body away from the source of the light.

After finally crawling into bed near 6 am, Jisoo wasn't ready to give up her well-deserved sleep just yet.

"Jisoo, this is serious. Wake up!" she heard the voice of Jennie frantically calling to her attention, lightly shaking her in an attempt to force her out of bed.

"What's wrong?" she groggily mumbled as she rubbed her eyes, not yet fully awake and slowly drifting back towards sleep.

"Here, look!" Jennie demanded as she shoved her phone into the female's face.

Jisoo struggled to focus on the page's black text as she adjusted her eyes to the brightness of the room. Lightly taking the phone from the other, she finally rose up from her lying position to rest against the headboard.

BREAKING NEWS: Mystery Girl Spotted with Idols Kim Taehyung and Min Yoongi of Popular Boy Band BTS

A mystery girl was captured in a late night rendezvous with Kim Taehyung and Min Yoongi of BTS near 1 am yesterday night near a 24 hour convenience store.

The witness claims the female was close to the two, reportedly holding onto Kim Taehyung as she entered the car, with the male following suit. Min Yoongi was responsible for driving the vehicle.

The witness was unable to follow the path of the idol, but claims the car was headed towards the direction of the company's dorms.

BTS is still prohibited by their company from dating as of today. Who is this mystery girl, what is her relationship to the idol pair, and are the idols overstepping the boundaries of their contract?

"What?" Jisoo couldn't help but whisper in shock at the article's contents, her eyes sweeping over the words.

"Even more, there's a video," Jennie informed as she scrolled down the page and pressed on an attached file.

At first Jisoo couldn't see anything, squinting to process what was happening in the video. Only the gentle breathing of the video's capturer was heard and the background sounds of Seoul.

"I don't see-" Jisoo was stopped in the middle of her sentence as she saw herself concealed in all black enter the frame, supported on her side by Taehyung as he led her to the car with Yoongi frantically running to the driver's door to start the car.

The video was taken from a distance, as the witness was hidden behind a wall several buildings away. The trio was unable to spot the cameraperson in the dark amidst their frenzied state.

In the video's angle, Jisoo's bloodied wound was obscured by Taehyung body, making the female let out a sigh of relief.

As tarnishing the video was to the idols' reputation, the female was thankful to see that her secret was hidden under the guise of a dating scandal.

The witness likely followed the idols to the convenience store wanting to stalk them, where Jisoo was captured on film instead.

Before she could explain the previous night's encounter to her co-agent, a harsh knock was emitted from the female's door.

"Ms. Kim, Mr. Yang wishes to see you," was the only thing the pair heard before the sharp clacking of heels was heard fading into the distance.

The two turned towards one another, knowing eyes meeting.

"Shit, what is it this time?"

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