09 | sajangnim

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The call ended abruptly, the president never offering Jisoo the opportunity to reply or even mutter a 'hello' in greeting.

The female guiltily lowered her phone from her ear, letting out a huff of defeat before throwing herself back into her sheets. Her hand traveled across her bed, searching for a pillow before grasping it and throwing it frustratingly onto her face. She debated cursing into the cushion, but decided not to, needing to prepare for her visit to the seventh floor instead. Regardless of the occasion or the time of day, Mr. Yang expected nothing less than professional attire from his visitors.

Jisoo lowered her feet onto the cold hardwood floor of her bedroom before dreadfully lifting herself up and treading across the room into her wardrobe. She spotted her sleek black dress immediately in the left most corner of her closet, the same dress she had adorned on the day she was assigned to Taehyung's case.

Despite being a high-tiered member of the agency, Jisoo barely received money of her own to spend, thus her closet was scattered with only a few pieces of her personal clothing. They promised a life of luxury, they promised a life worth dreaming for, yet here the female was staring at her half empty wardrobe. The company provided the lavish clothing, the luxury cars, the services– leaving the members unknowingly confined and bound to their contracts after being intoxicated by the elite lifestyle.

That, and the threat of being assassinated and taken care of the moment an agent turns their back on the agency. The agency made that clear the moment they bound their life to the contract. As much as Jisoo acknowledged the fact, she tried her best to ignore it. Despite all of the drawbacks, the brunette had decided she loved her job, taking pride in her portfolio of successful missions and her highly rank position.

The agency was deceiving, but Jisoo was desperate when she was taken in as a trainee after that day. She shivered at the memory, repressing it back into the deepest depths of her conscience as the took her dress off of the dusty hanger. She took a deep breath, composing herself in the full length floor mirror before slipping into her dress and her polished black heels. Here goes nothing, Jisoo muttered with one last glance at her reflection.

"Miss Kim, you've arrived."

Jisoo's heels clicked as she entered the headquarters of the president, feeling a sense of déjà vu from her last visit to the intimidating space.

"Sajangnim," Jisoo bowed to the elder in respect.

Mr. Yang simply waved to the seat in front of him, silently ordering her to sit down for their discussion.

"Do you know why you're here, Miss Kim?" the president asked after Jisoo was situated into her chair.

"Yes. I deeply apologize for misplacing one of your prized earrings," the agent bowed her head again, emphasizing her remorse for being careless.

"Good, you're aware."

Mr. Yang did nothing but slowly crack his knuckles, allowing silence and tension to collect in the room. Jisoo was speechless under the intimidating glare of her boss, waiting for his next word.

"To make up for losing my property," he paused, allowing Jisoo to fully register her mistake, "I'm putting you on a mission."

The agent froze, not believing the president's words. Another mission on top of her current one?

"Sir, another mission?" Jisoo asked her boss cautiously.

"Yes, to recover our lost capital. Do you disagree?" Mr. Yang directed intimately to the female, daring her to challenge his orders.

"No sir, I agree. I need to make up for my mistake."


The president reached behind him, grabbing yet another manila folder from the same shelf he had pulled her previous mission from. He slid the assignment towards the female, propping his chin on his palm as if he was entertained by her situation.

"Don't worry Miss Kim, this one is just a simple assassination. Short, sweet, and easy," Mr. Yang commented as he beckoned her to look over the folder's contents.

Park Junseo
Age: 24
Height: 5' 10" (177.8 cm)
Average to strong build.
Occupation: Office Worker

Refuses to repay loans due to the agency.

"Simple enough, hm?" the president hummed almost playfully, making Jisoo feel uneasy.

It seemed easy– almost too easy from the looks of the target's profile. The female flipped to the second page, examining slightly blurry pictures of her target in various angles. He wore a dark hoodie, concealing himself with a face mask and a baseball cap. Nothing out of the usual from the quick kills she was used to. Jisoo was hesitant– was this really her punishment?

"Yes sir, when do I start?" she asked while making mental notes of her target.

He seemed strong, but nothing she hadn't taken before. Despite his build, he looked like a nervous wreck.

"Oh, were you not informed? You start today," Mr. Yang paused to glance at his watch. "In approximately half an hour actually."

"Wait, what?" Jisoo couldn't help but blurt out in surprise, instantly pressing her lips together to restrain herself. "Tonight?"

"Yes, tonight. Our surveillance team has tracked his movements and he is currently predicted to head to the convenience store by foot. That is where you will be lurking, in a nearby alleyway ready to strike."

The male paused once again for the agent to absorb the new information. He loved putting his agents on their feet, anticipating his every word. He loved the utter feeling of control that surged through him at his agents' obedience, giving into his game.

Once Jisoo was able to map out her mission, the female nodded.

"Which gun would I be using, sir? Am I going short or long-distance?"

"Oh, Miss Kim, you won't be needing a gun."


"You'll be using a knife," the president smiled sweetly after his reveal. "That poor fellow is receiving a stab to his throat."

"Oh," Jisoo could only mutter.

"But of course," the president immediately cut in, "it wouldn't a problem for you. Wouldn't it, Ice Princess?"

"No sir, it wouldn't."

"This is Kim. I have assumed my location and I'm waiting for the target."

Jisoo's receiver beeped once in her ear, indicating an incoming message from a surveillance agent.

"The target is approaching the convenience store. He'll be directly over the alleyway in approximately one minute. Are you ready?"

Jisoo sighed, tightening her grip on her assigned knife.

"Yes, I am."


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