12 | wounded

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Jisoo winced as the doctor finished bandaging her gash, still feeling the sting of the antiseptic used to disinfect her wound.

"You need to be more careful. What would you have done if they saw you dragging the body?" the older scolded, carefully checking over Jisoo's side to make sure everything was in place.

"They didn't, and that's what matters," the agent sighed, finally relieving her tension from her unexpectedly high stress mission.

She attempted to roll her shoulders and stretch, but immediately hissed in pain, clutching her freshly cleaned wound in regret.

"Yah, this is what I'm talking about! Are you that reckless?" the doctor worriedly reprimanded, walking closer to the female to ensure her wound hadn't opened from the sudden strain.

"Sorry Dara unnie," Jisoo winced, accepting her scolding and allowing the older to touch up her bandages.

"How did you get away with it anyway? Just casually leaning on a wall while bleeding out of a stab wound?" She heard the doctor ask after a minute of silence between the two.

"Well," Jisoo flipped her hair teasingly, attempting to lighten the mood for her worried co-agent, "I'll have you know, you might be looking at an aspiring actress."

"You, an actress?" The other asked with mock disbelief, taking a step back to scoff at the younger.

"Can you pretend to faint on the spot, huh? Didn't think so," she childishly stuck out her tongue.

"You... what?" Dara couldn't help but let out a laugh in disbelief, her motherly instincts to tend to the girl washing away with her amusement.

"Yeah, that's right. Don't worry, I'll invite you when I claim my Oscar."

"But seriously," paused Dara, interested in knowing all of the details of her mission, "who's hottie number one and hottie number two out there in the lobby? I heard from one of the receptionists that Blondie seemed ready to pass out when he ran into the hospital demanding help."

Jisoo immediately groaned upon the doctor's words. She had hoped that the other hadn't heard, or at least not until she had returned to the agency building so she wasn't there to confront about it in person.

"It's a long story, please just spare me and not ask about it," Jisoo begged, wanting to facepalm at the doctor's choice of words to describe the two males.

"Hey, who was the one who bandaged your wound? If it wasn't for me, you'd still be bleeding out in Blondie's arms," Dara teased, moving back on instinct to avoid the other's wrathful strikes.

"Fine, fine, just shut up," the agent gave in to the doctor's antics, burying her face in her hands to hide from the other's teasing.

"'Blondie,' or whatever you call him– I met him a few times before but he just happened to be there at the scene. I had my mask on the entire time, so he doesn't know it's me, but I kinda have to... kill him... for a mission," the brunette hesitatingly explained, dropping her voice at the end of her sentence.

A few seconds passed in silence, and when Jisoo finally looked up at the other, Dara was frozen with a look of shock etched into her features.

"Well, that's an unexpected development," she heard Dara say, seeing her scratch the back of her neck from the corner of her eye.

"Yeah," Jisoo muttered at a loss for words.

"What about Mr. Cold and Sexy?" the other changed the focus of their conversation, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at the agent.

This time, she didn't have time to dodge the brunette's attack, getting struck in the shoulder as she was laughing at the younger's immediate reaction.

"Unnie, aren't you supposed to be the mature one?" Jisoo yelled, feeling as if she was talking to a child.

"Sorry, sorry," Dara insincerely apologized, clutching onto a nearby table to catch her breath after her fit of laughter, "but seriously, what's his role in the story?"

"Uh, my target may be a popular idol, and 'Mr. Cold and Sexy,'" Jisoo signified with air quotes, "may be his equally popular bandmate."

"Wow," Dara couldn't help but blurt with a whistle, once again taken aback by the development, "are you sure you aren't living in a drama?"

"Unfortunately not. Apparently he has a big price tacked above his head and the only way to claim it is to make him suffer by making him fall for me and backstabbing him."


Suddenly the pair's conversation was stopped by a sudden knock on the door and Jisoo immediately reached beside her, slipping on her mask in instinct.

"Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Park," a nurse apologized as she entered the room. "The patient's guests are constantly asking about her status."

"You're fine. The patient is treated for and ready to depart," Dara smiled at the nurse, jotting last minute notes on her report.

"You're free to go, Ms. Ahn," the doctor dismissed, using her fake civilian name.

After the nurse left the room, Dara swept the agent in a hug, careful to avoid her newly bandaged wound.

"Good luck, I know you can do it," she sincerely whispered, offering her a careful squeeze in encouragement.

"Thank you, really," Jisoo smiled.

'I truly hope so.'

"Are you okay?" Jisoo heard Taehyung's concerned voice ask as soon as she stepped into the lobby.

Despite transporting her to the hospital, the two idols were forced to stay in the main entrance of the hospital, as they weren't related or associated with her.

The female looked up from her focused gaze on the room's reflective floor tiles, offering a small eye smile behind her mask in a silent answer.

Despite it being late at night, the idols still wore concealing masks, protecting their identities from any late-night spectators. Taehyung was currently standing, previously pacing the entrance's hall in anticipation and worry while Yoongi was seated in a chair, intently staring at Jisoo with unreadable eyes, sending an involuntary shiver down her spine.

"I am," Jisoo muttered an answer to the blonde's question. "Thank you for everything."

She heard Taehyung let out a breath of relief, shoulders sagging in release of stress.

"I'm glad you're okay," he muttered cheerfully.

Jisoo swore she saw his mask raise slightly, signifying a smile from the male.

"I'm glad I decided to go out so late otherwise..."
he paused, wincing at the 'what-if's.'

He couldn't be more oblivious to Jisoo's real objectives.

The female could only continue walking, getting closer to the nervous idol in front of her.

"Anyway, I'm not sure if you know me," the idol broke the silence, changing the subject sheepishly, "but I'm Taehyung. What about yo-"

Jisoo pushed passed him coldly, accidentally bumping his shoulder in the process of reaching the door to escape the dreadful confines of the hospital.

"I'm sorry," she could only whisper as she exited without another word.

She had to.

To protect her identity.

To protect her agency.

To protect her mission.

To protect herself.

Going against every warning and objection in her head, Jisoo looked back at the hospital's entrance, feeling a deep pang at the male's look of shock and betrayal through the glass panes.

I'm sorry.

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