08 | lost

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Jisoo dramatically flopped onto the soft cushion of her bed, letting put a sigh as she buried her face in the velvet sheets. After the day's processions, she needed a nap, desperately. Despite leaving the music venue several hours ago, Jisoo was forced into the agency's dressing room where she and Rosé were surrounded by stylists, stripping them of the night's wardrobe.

As she entered the bright mirror-covered room, she became aware of her earrings or, rather, the lack thereof. She stared at her mortified reflection in the mirror, focusing on her bare left ear, plain of the large teardrop shaped accessory that she fidgeted with throughout the night. Her mind wandered to the music venue, retracing her steps to determine how she lost her earring.

Rosé couldn't have overlooked her bare ear, so when exactly did she lose it? She was frozen in her spot as her partner entered the room, noticing Jisoo's horror immediately and connecting her expression with her one lone earring.

"Unnie, what...?" she heard the redhead ask from beside her.

"Shit Rosie, I lost an earring!" Jisoo cursed, holding her ear as if she could magically will her accessory back onto it's rightful place in her ear.

"It's okay," Rosé tried reassuring her despite hesitating in her response, "It- it's not that big of a deal."

"Do you know how much those cost? Mr. Yang will put me on his hit list for throwing thousand dollar earrings around!" Jisoo couldn't help but fling her arms in panic, already imagining her consequences for losing her boss' treasure.

"Hey, but you only lost one, so you technically lost like half the amount- ow! That's like the third time you hit me today."

"Rosie, there's no time for jokes! You know how much Mr. Yang values his wardrobe. It's his pride and joy!"

"Okay, okay, just don't panic. We'll figure this out—"

Just as Rosé finished her sentence, the door of the wardrobe opened, making the two girls guiltily freeze in place.

"What's going on here?" the agency's main stylist asked skeptically after hearing the girls' panicked shouting through the closed door.

"I-" Jisoo tried to explain herself, but was cut off by the scolding of the stylist as her line of sight zeroed in to the agent's ears.

"Your earring- you lost it? Do you know how much Mr. Yang treasures his agency's wardrobe?" she began reprimanding the brunette.

"Sorry, I-"

"No, you don't understand. You lost your earring. They were limited edition and you just threw one away."

"Wait, unnie, please– I can fix this, we'll find it. Just please don't tell Mr. Yang about this," she pleaded with her stylist.

"Sorry Jisoo," the staff sighed apologetically, "I can't put my job on the line and claim responsibility for this. I'll report it to Mr. Yang shortly."

Jisoo's reserve broke immediately upon hearing her stylist's words. If there's one thing that scares her in the world, it's Mr. Yang and his wrath. She didn't blame the stylist for outing her to the boss, after all, she was obligated to in order to keep her high-paying job in the agency.

Without uttering any words, Jisoo was swept along with her partner to the back of the wardrobe in order to undress from the luxurious gowns they were trusted with for the event. The brunette sighed in defeat as she removed the remains of her jewelry, regrettably only placing one tear-shaped earring on one of the room's many dressers. She shivered in anticipation of the boss' reaction when he hears about one of his top agents losing his precious property.

Muttering a small goodbye to the redhead, the two agents parted ways after departing from the building's dormitory elevator. She didn't miss Rosé's reassuring thumbs up as she left the agent, cheering her up just a bit before she entered her shared dorm with her co-agent, Jennie.

The female turned over onto her side, hugging her pillow between her arms, willing herself asleep. No matter how tired she physically felt, her mind was still buzzing with unforgotten thoughts. She wanted nothing more than to sleep, yet she knew a call from Mr. Yang was coming.

Beginning to doze off with her pillow in hand, Jisoo's moment of peace was interrupted by the her ringtone, the quiet chiming seemingly amplified amidst the silence. Despite expecting the call beforehand, Jisoo still dreaded seeing the words "Yang Hyun Suk" lit up on her phone screen, her stomach doing flips as the melody continued to play. The brunette took a few breaths before giving into her demise, hesitantly pressing the green "accept" option and pressing the device to her left ear.


"Miss Kim, please see me on the seventh floor– immediately."

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