16 | deja vu

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"Good morning, Ms. Kim."

The boss' menacing voice welcomed Jisoo before she even fully opened the door of his office.

"Mr. Yang," she politely greeted as she gave a deep bow to the other.

"Please, have a seat," he gestured to the chair in front of his desk, reminding Jisoo of the identical scenario that occurred when she was assigned her priority mission.

"You called for me, sir?" Jisoo asked after taking her seat in front of the intimidating boss and lightly clearing her throat.

"Yes, I wanted to ask you how the mission went yesterday."

"It went smoothly sir," Jisoo answered instinctively, not taking into account how far from smooth her mission was in reality.

"Is that so?" he asked rhetorically, eyeing her side. "I have received reports regarding your mission last night."

Jisoo's eyes widened as her boss removed his phone from his pocket and slowly slid the device towards her, the viral film of her leaning on Taehyung's shoulder playing quietly.

"Care to explain?"

"I-" Jisoo began, but bit her tongue as she realized she had no idea what to say.

"Video. You were caught on video evidence. Do you know how dangerous that is for the secrecy of our agency?" Mr. Yang's voice raised in volume with every word as he retained his icy demeanor.

Jisoo wanted to say something about the unavoidable cost about assigning her to a celebrity, but instead kept her lips sealed. That wasn't her mission yesterday, but she was tangled in the mess of her main mission anyway.

"No one suspects anything," she replied instead after a moment's deliberation. "It's a presumed dating scandal, nothing more."

"Bullshit!" the boss exclaimed with a slam of his palm on the mahogany desk. "Regardless if anyone suspects anything, do you know what could've happened if the witness was just a couple feet closer? If they were at a different angle, zooming into the blood dripping from your wound?"

Jisoo winced at the mention of her injury, the mention of it making the wound sting that much more.

"I'm sorry, sir," the agent gave up her defense under her boss' glare. "If it's anything worthwhile, the target's reputation is steadily declining as more fans are suspecting a dating scandal."

"Hm? That's good," Mr. Yang paused as he smirked at the information. "The more is reputation and career declines, the more his happiness will. The client will be happy to see him suffering."

The client. Jisoo's mind muddled over the information as she watched the video replaying on a loop. Who would want Taehyung to suffer that much to hire someone to fall in love with him just to murder him afterward?

"Don't let this happen again," she heard the boss speak up. "You're spared this time only because of your previous work with our agency. The next time this happens, there will be consequences."

"Yes sir, thank you."

"Now that we discussed last night's events, I have arranged the next step of your main mission."

Jisoo felt herself perk up at the mention of a new assignment. Her last mission was both a hit and a miss, as she successfully drew Taehyung's attention towards her, but for a completely different reason than the president had originally intended.

"Yes, Mr. Yang?" Jisoo asked as she sat up straighter, watching as her boss pulled out a manila folder from the same adjacent shelf that he had initially used when she began the mission.

The agent experienced a pang of deja vu as the president just as ominously slid the folder to her as he did the first time. Jisoo resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her boss' love of theatrics, wanting to simply receive the folder without having to sit through a dramatic transition.

"Your mission details," he announced as he sat back into his grand chair, interlocking his fingers.

Jisoo picked up the folder, feeling just as much hesitance yet anticipation as she did prior as she opened the file. Taehyung's face was once again plastered on the surface of the manila folder, yet this time he was adorned in various headbands and cuddling different plush animals.

"Uh?" Jisoo failed to repress a confused noise as she examined the pictures closer.

Wasn't he supposed to be a serious idol, not a representative for children? She squinted at a particular picture displaying her target with a bunny ear headband with a wide-eyed bunny plush in his arms.

'December Fansign' was printed across a sheet on the top of the manila folder, allowing Jisoo to finally connect the dots. Being sheltered from idols and social media, she had of course heard of fansigns but she never would have guessed it would be like this.

"A fansign, sir?" Jisoo spoke up after flipping through all of the pictures in the file and scanning the brief description explaining her role to attend BTS' fansign for their newest "Love Yourself" album.

"Don't they already know me though? How can I attend a fansign when I was a VIP guest to the award show?"

Jisoo forced herself her suppress the memories of her last meeting. No matter how many times she thought back to that day, she still cringed at her fainting act.

"Oh Ms. Kim, that's why you have a niece who's an avid fan of their group," the president answered as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

Jisoo could hear the amusement dripping off of her boss' voice as he soaked in her confusion.

"You're going in place of your 'niece,' Haeun, who couldn't make it."

"Ah," Jisoo confirmed as she worked to engrain the details in her memory.

"The fansign is in a few days. Bobby will assist you to the venue. We have given you a position near the end of the line so you can have more time in luring your target."

Jisoo scrunched her nose at the president's statement. He made her out to sound like a siren, luring Taehyung to his death with her beauty. But then again, that was essentially exactly what she was doing. She just refused to acknowledge the idea of killing him after giving him a sense of fake love. She'd deal with it when the time came.

"More details will be given to you as the day of the mission gets closer. Understood, Ms. Kim?"

"Yes, Mr. Yang," Jisoo robotically answered as she closed the folder.

"Good. You're dismissed."

With another deep bow, Jisoo left the intimidating office of her boss. She was finally able to breathe.

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