14 | fake love

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The harsh bite of the night air engulfed Jisoo as she rested her overexerted body on a park bench. She had been running nonstop for twenty minutes, too panicked to think straight. Her only instinct was to escape as far into the night as she could from Taehyung, not knowing if he was the type to chase after her– he wasn't.

She didn't know how she was led down this path of panic and emotions– she was the Kim Jisoo after all. Merciless killer, stone faced seducer, YG's "Ice Princess."

She never had to deal with the intricacies of relationships and emotions. All she had ever known was the harshness of the world, never having to build a connection between anyone other than her fellow agents. Even then, she had only ever gotten close to three of them, the inseparable quartet.

Laying her head against the cool metal, Jisoo hastily removed her phone from her jacket's pocket, dialing the one person she knew she could trust in these types of situations.

"Jisoo?" she heard the female on the line ask groggily, as if she was just woken up by her call. "It's nearly 4 in the morning, is something wrong?"

"Chaeng," Jisoo gulped, her mouth feeling like sandpaper from her heavy breaths taken as a result her fleeting escape.

"Unnie? What's wrong?" the latter's voice pitched up in worry, all traces of her previous sleepiness whisked away by her concern.

"I just... don't know what I'm doing anymore," Jisoo muttered, her walls cracking as she unraveled herself to her friend with her knees pressed up to her chest.

"Where are you? Did you ever come back from your mission?"

"No– I'm in some random park," Jisoo squinted struggling to read the welcome sign from far away. "Yeouido Park?"

"Stay there, I'm coming to you," Rosé's voice faltered as she shuffled around her room, preparing to leave.

"Don't. You know we aren't allowed Chaeng," Jisoo immediately interrupted, wanting to prevent the agent from potentially getting in trouble with the agency just for her sake.

"That's implying that I'll get caught. I needed some air anyway," Rosé chuckled, dismissing her partner's worry with ease.

"Alright," Jisoo sighed, knowing she couldn't deter the redhead once she set onto something. "Thanks Chaeng, really."

Jisoo was staring blankly up at the sky, now laying on the bench in exhaustion. She couldn't fathom just how much she went through within hours– from stupidly losing one of the boss' precious earrings, to setting out on an impromptu mission, to getting stabbed, to getting driven to the hospital in the most inconvenient turn of events... She wondered if the world was going against her.

Lost in her thoughts, the brunette jumped when a looming shadow appeared over her face. She immediately shot up from her vulnerable position, rolling off from the bench and standing in a defensive stance only to be met with a familiar face.

"Jesus, unnie!" Rosé exclaimed as she backed away from behind the bench with her hands teasingly raised up in defense. "I swear I'm not going to rob you."

"Aish, it's just you," Jisoo relaxed her tense position, putting a hand up to her chest in an attempt to calm her rapidly beating heart.

"What do you mean 'it's just you?' I literally told you I was coming to see you," Rosé pouted, climbing over the bench and taking a seat, making sure to pat the spot next to her so the brunette could get the message to sit.

"I was literally out of it, you had no right to scare me like that," Jisoo groaned in defiance but still took a seat next to her partner, leaning her head on the other's shoulder. "I just don't know what's up with me anymore," she practically whispered.

"You know you can talk to me, right?"

"Of course... But even I don't know what's happening or even how to explain."

The pair sat in silence, gazing in the distance at nothing in particular as the night breeze swirled around them.

"Is it your mission?" Rosé broke the silence, finally crossing the line that both agents knew was inevitable.

"No, it went fine. I just got a small injury, but I handled way worse in the pa-"

"Jisoo," Rosé interrupted, knowing the female knew exactly what she was referring to the first time.

"Yeah," Jisoo sighed, finally giving in to her conflicting thoughts, "it is."

Rosé pulled her partner closing to her, never experiencing this type of emotion in the older even once in all the years they had known each other. She stayed silent, not wanting to push or question the female until she wanted to reveal her emotions herself.

"It's just... weird you know? I'm supposed to be this killer, supposed to not give a fuck about anything over than the objectives of the agency... But playing with someone's emotions, building a relationship just to end them?"

Rosé sucked in a breath at the female's worries, mulling over ways to assure the other.

"I know it's hard," the redhead started, locking eyes with the older's, "I know you've never had to forge a connection with anyone, especially having to make one appear out of thin air just from a few run-ins."

The brunette could only nod, casting her line of sight to the pathway and swinging her feet restlessly.

"But look, it's only a matter of months, maybe even weeks before it'll be over. You can move past it just like any of your previous missions and you'll be 'Queen Jisoo' of YG. Everything will fall back into place and it'll be as if everything was just a blur," Rosé reasoned, attempting to take Jisoo's mind off of the stress that comes with her special case.

"You're right," the latter replied after a brief moment of contemplation. "Nothing's going to change, I've done this so many times in the past that this shouldn't phase me. Just because I have to build a fake love between us doesn't mean that any of it is real."

"Right, unnie, so don't stress about it. Maybe all this relationship forging will make you a better agent. Not gonna lie, you kinda suck at talking to people," Rosé teased, wanting to lighten the mood with a light jab.

"Shut up, I'm more of a kill-and-go anyway," Jisoo stuck her tongue out in retaliation. "That's why I'm the princess and you're not."

Rosé gasped, acting offended as she put her hand up to her chest.

"And that's why Jennie's my favorite unnie."

Jisoo let out a genuine laugh for the first time in days as she went back and forth with her partner. Letting out a couple more jabs to the younger, she parted her goodbye as Rosé scuttled back to the agency's dorm, not wanting to get caught outside of their headquarters.

"This is Kim," Jisoo notified the surveillance team as she turned on her earpiece after enough time had passed after Rosé's departure. "I handled my... situation and am now finished with my mission."

Within a matter of seconds, the receiver beeped to life, notifying Jisoo of an incoming message.

"Understood, Kim. We're sending a retrieval agent for you, what's your location?"

As Jisoo responded back to the agent on the other end of her receiver, she felt a little spark of hope renew in her remembering her brief chat with Rosé.

Everything's under control, it's just another kill-and-go with a trivial twist.

At least, that's what she hoped.

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