02 | armed & ready

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"Chaeyoung, do you really think I can do this?" Jisoo asked her partner from her seat in the agency's dressing room.

"Of course, you're beautiful. No one can resist your charm," Rosé replied from the back of the room where she was currently selecting from an array of floral perfumes.

Jisoo couldn't help but think how her partner's comment had been so playful despite her circumstances. How could she be so lighthearted when Jisoo was gripping the edge of the vanity with the urge to throw up?

The swipe of a lip brush brought Jisoo's attention back to the brightly lit mirror in front of her. The agency was sure to make the female stunning. After all, a lot of money depended on Taehyung's attraction to her.

Jisoo's hair had already been styled, her wavy locks sweeping over her shoulder as the agency's makeup artists finished applying gloss to accentuate the brunette's perfectly heart-shaped lips.

"We're done with the makeup, lets move on to your dress," one of the stylists called over to Jisoo.

Upon walking to the clothes rack in the opposite corner of the room, Jisoo almost let out a gasp at the dress the stylist selected for the event. It was unusual for Jisoo, who never had to formally dress up for a mission. For the female, her daily outfit consisted of black oversized clothing paired with a face mask to conceal her appearance and allow her to blend in easier with the dark. Now, standing in front of the wardrobe, Jisoo was presented with a gorgeous white one-shoulder dress, a complete 180 from her usual style of clothing.

"It's beautiful," Jisoo could only mutter.

Rosé, who had already been styled into a bold red gown before Jisoo was ordered into the dressing room, stared at the dress in awe, excitement bubbling in her chest.

The stylist led Jisoo behind a screen for her to change. She could practically hear Rosé's audible enthusiasm as she slipped on the dress.

"I can't wait to see you, unnie!" she squealed.

Jisoo would never believe the redhead could have the capacity to kill with her chipmunk cheeks and cute demeanor if she hadn't been paired up with her during assassinations in the past. The brunette almost smiled at her partner's bubbliness, that is, if she wasn't about to meet the boy she was tasked to break.

When she had finally finished adjusting the dress to hug her body, Jisoo stepped out from behind the screen. Rosé was in absolute awe, mouth gaping and eyes widened at the female in front of her.

"Would you say something and stop staring?" Jisoo muttered to her partner, uncomfortable from the silence.

"He already lost the battle and he doesn't even know he's fighting."

"Enjoy the show," the security guard exclaimed with a look of acknowledgement before allowing Jisoo into the venue.

She could already hear the deafening cheers of fans from the entrance, waiting for the ceremony to start. However, nothing could compare to Jisoo's heartbeat pounding in her ears as she stepped into the building, heels clacking with every step.

'It's okay,' she tried mentally reassuring herself. 'Remember what Chaeng said, he already lost.'

As many times as Jisoo could mentally scream at herself that she was ready, every bit of her consciousness was fighting back. Missions were easy, killing was easy. Jisoo had heartlessly carried enough missions to be deemed "Ice Princess" by her fellow members. But to build an artificial connection, to see someone dedicate themself to her before watching them shatter and die— the thought made her heart pound that much faster.

Jisoo spotted Rosé's red figure as soon as she walked deeper into the venue. Her partner was standing beside a long corridor whispering into the ear of a staff member, an agency insider she remembered as Bobby.

"This way," the staff instructed as Jisoo joined her partner's side.

Despite being a member of the agency for nearly seven years, Jisoo was still in awe at the amount of power the agency had, enough for a member to pass off as a highly ranked staff member of the music venue. The pair was led down multiple corridors until they were stopped in front of large hallway. She could tell the staff member had led them backstage.

"The target's dressing room is two corridors down on the left, room 24," Rosé whispered in her ear. "He was called down by one of our agents and should be returning very soon. Good luck."

With that, Rosé ushered Jisoo towards the dressing room hallway with a thumbs up.

'Thanks,' Jisoo thought to herself, 'I definitely need it.'

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