Chapter 16: Glue

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Chapter 16: Glue

The tan walls surrounded and enveloped Adam in his own sadness like a blanket.  He could only hear his thoughts as they echoed through his head. There was a faint humming of the air conditioner, but that was all. Adam stared emotionless on the blank walls in front of him. He replayed his memories of Hope out on to it, like an old fashioned movie projector.

He remembered the time he and the guys drove 5 hours just to visit her at cooking camp for one day. During the entire car ride Mickey had to pee and Ryan wouldn’t stop because it was his car, and he didn’t feel like finding a place to stop. Adam and Jesse were crammed in the backseat like sausages. However, it didn’t help that Adam was unable to sit still for more than 3 minutes. By the end of the ride, Jesse was on edge, and was in the mists of planning Adam’s murder. He decided on a slow and painful poisoning, but never actually got around to doing so. The car had been unbearably hot, making all of Adam’s appendages stick to the “leather”, or mystery material, of the interior of the car. It didn’t help that the car smelled like old gym clothes and a mix of pine and way too much cologne.

Adam’s mind flickered to when he first told Hope he had feelings for her. The hours leading up to it, his stomach was in his throat. He was struggling to breathe evenly as he spoke. As soon as he told her, and let the words escape him, he felt free and at peace.  He remembered the cobblestone step they sat on as Hope cried about her recent break up. He remembered how much he wanted to shout to the world how much he wanted everything to be okay. He remembered how much he actually loved her. He remember how badly it stung when he found out she was no longer with him.

                Adam thought as though he was flipping through the pages of a scrap book, and each time he saw memory, he would stop and relive it. Memories were the only thing he had at this point.  Adam leaned his head against his bedroom wall, and gasped for air. He felt like he was submerged underwater, and only had a few more seconds of breath left. Luckily, the doorbell rang, giving him ample time to regain his breath, and his consciousness. 

                He couldn’t understand why he was receiving so many visitors. Before, this never happened. People didn’t give a crap if he was okay, or not. Adam concluded that it pertained to the record. They only wanted something from him, usually the only way to was contacting him through person.  He could easily avoid phone calls, texts and emails. Abrupt visits were a completely different story.

                The clock hadn’t rolled around to 1 yet, so Maddie was still sleeping soundly for her mid-morning nap. Adam sung open the stood and froze when his eyes landed on the camp ground loving hippie in front of him, Jesse.

                The bandmates hadn’t spoken since Jesse’s other abrupt visit a few weeks ago. Normally after an argument they would reconcile after a few hours, even their worst disputes lasted a couple days. Although, this wasn’t really a fight either. Jesse just told Adam something he didn’t want to hear.  Adam closed himself off, as usual.

                He saw Jesse and immediately shut the door on his pale, sort of redheaded, friend.

                After rethinking his somewhat “high school” response, he opened the door again. Then in typical Adam style he started to close the door again because of his impulsive behavior realizing that he was still angry with Jesse. Jesse stuck his foot between the door and the frame, avoiding it from shutting him out from his friend.

                “Before you break my foot.” Jesse laughed, trying to brush of the tension that was inevitably there. “Let me explain.”

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