Chapter 15: Shapshots

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Chapter 15: Snapshots

*** As Hope's due date became closer and closer, the couple began to beam every time they thought of their new baby. There wasn't a second out of the day that was not dedicated to thinking, talking or preparing for Adam and Hope's bundle of joy.

After a miscarriage a year or two ago, this is just what they needed. It definitely was rough on the couple losing their first child. It strained their relationship to the point that they were barely holding on to each side of a rope, and the string had frayed so much, it might tear. However, with love and long conversations they prevailed.

At the time, Hope was still recovering from her anorexia scare and tension, not to mention emotions were at an all-time high. She was terrified Adam would leave her for some way younger women, but in reality Hope was only a few years older than them, so she had nothing to worry about, although that wasn't the case in her mind. When jealousy takes over nothing can ease the thoughts that arise. Jealousy had always been a part of Hope's past relationships, on both sides. This was a result of miscommunication. Before Adam and Hope began dating, Hope's relationship track record wasn't what people would call great. She had never really been loved by anyone besides Adam, and maybe Chris. Each time a new relationship started it would go the same way, a cycle of unfortunate events.

Hope would find a guy she thought would treasure and love her, but ultimately her judgment was always flawed and was masked by her "daddy issues". After about a month, or even less time, she would sleep with the guy and sadly within the next week she would be heartbroken and sobbing on Adam's shoulder. If he wasn't there, she ran to Jesse, who was almost as good. This was during high school, a tough time for everyone, especially a girl without her mother.

Adam always wondered why Hope would do this to herself, he thought the world of her. Adam adored her, everything she did he wanted to show off to the world and say "Look how amazing this women is!" He tried so hard to understand how she felt, he encouraged her to talk to him and share what she was feeling. He knew that she had a lot going on, but ultimately didn't know half of it.

Hope endured so much hurt. Each time someone broke her fragile heart, Hope would feel a sharp jab within her chest. A new section of her heart would flake off, and the cycle would continue. One just becomes "unfixable", or at least that's what Hope thought. Hope started to hold up a shield and locked away what she truly feel inside. No one knew what Hope held inside her gorgeous blue eyes, and within her dainty body. All anyone could see was a beautiful girl with a smile that could light up a room, but unfortunately the truth was lock inside, deeper than anyone could imagine.

Overall, Hope was doing a lot better. Adam and Hope's relationship was thriving, even with all of the press surrounding her pregnancy. Adam always made sure not to spill any important information. He tried his best to be as vague as possible, he was surprised that the gender of their baby wasn't leaked yet. The tabloid magazines were vultures. They scooped up any chance they got to exploit someone for their own personal gain. This made Adam sick to his stomach, and any other celebrity for that matter. He didn't want Hope's pregnancy, something so personal and private, to be displayed in front of the world.

Hope's second trimester was nearly over, and the couple couldn't have been happier. Adam's face lit up every time he saw the love of his life, knowing that she was carrying his first child. At 2:30 in the afternoon they needed to head to the doctor's office for a routine checkup for the baby. The doctor's offices and hospitals always made Hope uneasy, ever since her mother and being forced into a ward for people with potential eating disorders, they weren't her favorite place to spend her free time.

The time was getting closer to their departure and Hope was getting more and more nervous. Adam sensed her mood by her silence and the fact she kept cracking her toes. Hope cracking her toes was a giveaway, he knew immediately. It also didn't help that it was raining slightly, and the only sounds around them were the small pitter patter of the raindrops hitting the window and the dim sound of the TV. Adam put down his case less phone on his upper thigh, and looked up.

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