Chapter 24: Falling into Place

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You guys have been amazing, reading week after week. Thank you so so much for everything. Sorry for the wait. One more chapter after this, so i hope you enjoy this one. Y'all are the best. 

Chapter 24: Falling into Place 

Everything had simmered down, and Adam was able to finally catch his breath. However, he seemed to think it was the calm before the storm. A majority of Maroon 5’s fourth album was complete and a few final touches and mixes were in the works. The guys felt nothing but excitement and joy, even Adam had butterflies in his stomach. The last time he felt this excited was when Maddie started walking. In all honesty, Maddie was the only thing giving Adam any happiness throughout the last year. Before Hope’s abrupt death, the couple had a few unresolved issues. Although, Adam didn’t know about them yet.

The sun began peeking through the clouds and its bright beaming light penetrated the curtains in Adam’s bedroom, waking the sleeping man up. Adam had not yet come around to the thought of Jesse leaving, or taking a break from the band. It mostly was made up of selfish reasons, in conjunction with his stubborn personality. Adam didn’t want the only stable person in his life to leave him. Jess was Adam’s first real best friend. The person he could tell anything to. It’s not that Mickey or James weren’t close with Adam, they were all brothers. However, Adam and Jesses had a special bond and everyone knew it.

More often than not Adam would bring Maddie to the studio. She absolutely loved it there. Everyone adored her, and she couldn’t get enough of the attention. As soon as Adam walked in carrying her, the faces of everyone light up. Maddie possessed a sense of joy that was infectious. Her bright blue eyes shined through to a single soul. The light brown chestnut curls framing her face could make the angriest of people crack a smile. If Maddie’s arms wrapped around someone’s upper body, their heart would beat ten times faster. Maddie was a miracle child. What Hope and Adam thought wasn’t possible, happened. Maddie’s the beam of light at the end of the tunnel. Even though nobody knew it, but her. She was put on this earth for a reason. Adam didn’t know that, all he knew was heaven gained an angle when Hope passed, but in the process brought down another one.

When their sound technician was going through a divorce, every Tuesday and Thursday Maddie would be there to cheer him up. “John!” she would squeal when her little eyes fell upon him. His heart immediately filled with compassion and his thoughts about his ex-wife dissipated. Or the time Fred, their tour manager broke his leg, and had to be confined to a wheel chair, he took care of Maddie. He didn’t think anything of it, but when he read her a bed time story, the love that he spoke through the words of the book helped him heal. However, the most impact Maddie had on a single person was Jesse. He was there when Hope was found, he was at the funeral and he was there and would be there for years and years to come.

About four months after Hope’s death, Jesse’s grandmother past away. The death was mildly expected after all she was 92. The band and everyone close to them was going through a grave and dull time. Maddie, only seven months at the time, remained innocent and oblivious to the melancholy atmosphere around her. She never failed to light up everyone’s day. Each time Jesse would enter the Levine household, she’d crawl over to him, and Jesse couldn’t help, but lift Maddie up and embrace her.

Adam still experienced the nightmares within his head, but they slowly began to dissipate once he realized that Hope’s death was out of his control. Thanks to Jesse, who as well, didn’t notice the impact of Maddie on his life. He knew he was more conscious of small children and babies when he outside, or when he was backing out of a parking space. It was the trivial things that he paid attention to. Out of everyone in the band, Jesse was the thinker. He had the most self-control and had always had this quality. The fact that even Jesse wasn’t aware of Maddie’s uniqueness, was a testament to her omnipotent characteristics.

            After some lounging around, Adam decided to get Maddie’s things together as well as his own, and leave for the studio. Jesse had texted them all two nights before, probably planning to announce his hiatus. Adam hated to admit it, but his feeling were hurt that Jesse told James before telling him.

            However, Jesse knew how much differently Adam took disappointing news now.  Adam was unaware that Jesse was going to talk to him privately before letting everyone else know.

Adam pulled into the lot with the hot LA sun piercing his eyes. He parked and got out and unbuckled Maddie’s seat belt. She began to waddle away, but Adam managed to catch her before she was in danger. The two skipped hand in hand as they made their way into the glass double doors of the studio.  

Not everyone was the recoding area when they arrived. Jesse sat adjacent to James and Mickey hadn’t stopped by yet. Adam watched as Maddie scampered into Jesse’s arms and a smile appear of Jesse’s face.

“What’s up kid?’ Jesse asked.

“Meeee!” Maddie giggled, referring to the fact that she was lifted up in the air.

“Do you mind if I talk to your daddy for a second?”

Maddie shook her head and Jesse placed her down.

Adam kissed her head, and he and Jesse left to go outside

Jesse looked around, remembering the last time he brought someone out of the studio to tell them something. It was with Hope. He recalled that day in his mind. The memories flickered back and forth, flashing each time he saw her face.   He remembered how much it stung when he looked at her crying. He remembered how painful it was to listen to her speak and cough after each sentence. He remembered everything about that day. He longed to forget it. He regretted not doing anything about, or at least more. Something more

As Jesse opened his mouth to begin sharing his news, Adam stopped him, betting Jesse to it.

“Listen,” Adam started. “I know you’re taking a break from the band.” His voice was slow and somber, but surprisingly calm. This attitude was new for Adam, who normally took any opportunity to scream at someone.

Jesse’s face displayed confusion, as if someone could see the gears turning in his head.

“It’s that obvious?” He asked, scratching his head.

Adam shook his head.

“James told you?” Jesse responded, his voice slightly annoyed --at who he thought was a trustworthy friend, and surprised him.

“Yeah, but you can’t be mad at him. He was only giving me heads up.”

“I guess the hard part of this conversation is over.” Jesse added attempting to make light of the situation.

“Why Jess?” Adam 

The two of the looked at each other. If a bystander walked past them, they would be able to feel the strong friendship between them, but the intense tension.

Jesse scratched his head uncomfortably, knowing the answer would soon come out of his mouth.

“Adam, we have been doing this for so long. It’s not that I don’t love music, and touring and writing. I was my world. Now, I feel like I have hit a point in my life where I’m finally comfortable with my finances that I can take a break and focus on me, you know? I realized that there are so many things I have yet to do and I’m not getting any younger.”

“I know what you mean.” Adam replied, his thoughts only pertaining to Hope and Maddie. “Do what you need to do.”

Jesse looked back at Adam with a smile and they exchanged a strong stare. After spending nearly every day with one another since seventh grade, this was going to be something new for the Jesse and Adam. Although, something new is exactly what Adam needed. 

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