Chapter 19: Wheels

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Chapter 19: Wheels

            Something changed in Adam on his anniversary. He had the rest of his life ahead of him. Why would he spend the rest of his days wallowing in his own sadness? Sooner or later he would be entirely too old to go out, ride his extensive motorcycle collection or have fun for that matter. He used to think that getting old would be the “mecca” of life. Once you go there everything was amazing, and the journey was more important than the destination. Later that night he came to the conclusion that if he was looking forward to getting older, he would have to starting living his life again in order to fully deserve the privilege of getting old. That seemed logical enough for him. He was smarted than he appeared, and that’s what usually got in him in trouble.

 Adam had a habit of putting his foot in his mouth more than the average person. Maybe it was because he didn’t have a sense when to shut up, or maybe it had to do with his overly confident attitude. Regardless, that’s what made Adam, Adam, and why Hope fell in love with him.

 Adam and Maddie were enjoying some Father Daughter time as per usual. It truly had become one of the highlights of his day. Maddie was just about 7 months and all she would do is crawl around their quaint apartment that now was decorated like a home should be. The walls were now wearing pictures of Hope and Adam, at some of their happiest moments. He finally could look at her without wanting to break into a thousand small pieces.  The living room was still a mess, but Adam wasn’t an organized person anyway. It was one of his claims to fame. Well, at least next to musician, loving father and sometimes womanizing douchebag. But the last one wasn’t used as much these days. The media stayed away for a while after Hope’s death, but shortly after the vultures were at it again.

The day Maddie decided that she was tired of reading that book about the talking instruments was the day Adam didn’t want to smash his head against a wall. Although he was sad that she was growing up, not enough to leave and get married, but enough to notice.  He couldn’t believe that she would be a year old soon, or in five months.

Across the carpet were multi-colored building blocks, and the two of them were attempting to make fort. He had to leave soon to go to the studio. This is the deal he made with himself, go to the studio and finish the album and after that he could retire. He knew their fans would understand, and if it was going to be their last album, they needed to go out with a bang. Although, he was nervous, he hadn’t told anyone yet. He knew they knew his reasons and he knew the band would understand. Or he hoped they would.

After Adam had tired Maddie out, it was time for her nap. He scooped her up and he let her rest in his arms. He loved staring at her when she slept.  Even though she was seven months, she was small for her age. When he held her, his heart grew in size, and he knew he loved her. She was tiny and all of her intricate features were perfect.  Her brown hair was soft and delicate, there were small brown strands that curled at the bottom. Her blue eyes took the color of whatever shirt the person who was holding her was wearing. Maddie’s skin was porcelain, flawless, barely any feckless or birthmarks. Except for one on her left knee, the same place hope had one. Maddie embodied Hope. At first that’s what made Adam resent his daughter. He came to terms with the fact that she was gone and all he could do was love their daughter more than humanly possible.

He never really described how she looked like him though. She did have the same nose as Adam and although you couldn’t’ see the freckles on her cheeks, they were there, just not prominent.

Adam brought Maddie into her nursery, telling her about the time Jesse and James got lost in the amazon. He sat down in the old, cherry rocking chair across from her crib. The cushions was wearing, and the monkey pattern was fading into a teal gray color.

“And then your Uncle Jesse tripped over an enormous tree branch, twisting his ankle. He’s always been clumsy.” Adam laughed.

Maddie’s eyes were wavering, but they remain in a state of equilibrium.

“So then, Uncle Jesse and James found a river. It’s a good thing that the two of the know how to swim because that’s how they made it home, or at least the show.” Adam finished just as soon as her eyes were closing.

“I love you.” Adam said. “More than you’ll ever know.”

He placed her in her crib and arranged all of her stuffed animals around her, making sure her favorite elephant was near her sight. Usually when he came to check on her all of Maddie’s stuffed animals were scattered around tiny body. More often than not she was casually sucking her thumb. He hoped that she would break that habit before she got older, because it could affect her dental development and Hope’s family didn’t have promising dental genes, on the other hand Adam was blessed with great teeth.

Adam kissed her head and said “I love you”.

He walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets and his head down.

“Well I heard you talking about me?” Jesse asked, sitting up from the couch. “Spreading gossip?”

“Shit.” Adam answered as his head jerked up. “What are you doing here?  You scared the shit out of me.”

“The door was open and I didn’t feel like waiting outside for you. I just came in. You should really start locking you doors.” Jesse chirped. “You’ve got a lot of nice stuff in here.”

            The past few months all of the guys were taking turns picking Adam up and taking him to the studio. Ever since he agreed to finish the album, they needed to keep him to his word. They knew if they let him come on his own time it would never be finished. If Adam had one bad day he would immediately go back to the state he was in and never leave his home. Driving Adam to and from the studio is the only solution. It’s the only way to keep an eye on him.

            Adam pulled his shoes on and he tapped his foot impatiently waiting for his mom to watch Maddie. He knew she would eventually stop agreeing to look after his daughter, but he was milking it as long as possible. It still ate him up inside that he would need to find a sitter or nanny. Adam wanted so badly to bring Maddie around with him everywhere, but he knew that wouldn’t be the best for her.

            They made their way to Jesse’s Prius, the only car Jesse would conceivably purchase because it was somewhat eco-friendly. Things between them had gone back to normal, after all they were best friends. They had an unbreakable bond, and nothing could come between them.

            After driving for fifteen minutes with the windows down and the light hum of the radio playing around them, Adam’ eyes grew wide and his body filled with anger. Every bone in his body erupted with fire. He stared out the front window as the car grew closer to the pedestrian on the phone near the side walk.

            He knew that face, it was a little wrinkled now, but more or less it hadn’t aged. He knew that pinstriped suit, and trendy yet old fashioned black loafers. He could his smell out of date colon from 50 feet away. It was the type of smell that filled an elevator and made everyone gag.

            The car got closer and closer to the man and Adam had had it

“Stop the car!” Adam shouted at Jesse.

Jesse didn’t, and shot Adam a confused look.

“I said ‘stop the fucking car’!” Adam shouted once more.

            This time Jesse obliged and Adam forcefully threw open the door and got out.  It was Hope’s dad, and Adam was going to say any and everything to him.

 Y'all are amazing. I would be nowhere without your constant support. It means a lot that so many of you love my stories. Please tell me if you have unanwered questions, so I can clear them up. Also if you would't mind spreading the word about my work, It would be awesome. Please vote and thanks again. :) 


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