Chapter 11: (Addition)

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                        (This was supposed to be part of the last chapter, but for some odd reason it didn't load. Sorry, enjoy!!) 

A few days later, still no call from Shawn. However, this made Adam antsy. He couldn’t take it every time his phone rang, his heart would race. He wanted to get it over with already. Normally when Adam fucked up, he tried to avoid it, because usually was in the wrong. Although, this time Adam was prepared to fight back, he even had a speech prepared.

Adam was sitting in the small room off the side of his bedroom, chewing on the side of his glasses when he heard a knock at the door. He never entertained anymore, and it was even rare for people to come over. Very few people even knew his new address. He pushed in his chair and plodded to answer the door.

With one swift motion, the border between inside and outside was broken and Adam saw one of his dear friends standing in the doorway, accompanied by his girlfriend.

“You should have called,” Adam said sternly. He moved allowing the pair to come in. They were probably two of the seven people that had entered Adam’s home in the past year.

“I know, but I felt like I had to deliver this news personally.” James replied, smiling slightly at Ali.

“If it’s about that bitchy daycare women, I don’t want to hear it. Shawn probably called you, and told you to come talk to me. I don’t care, I’m not apologizing.” Adam explained with his back turned.

Ali and James exchanged a look.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

James noticed the enraged look on Adam’s face.   

“Want to talk about it?” James asked, although already knowing the answer.

Adam wasn’t much of a talker when it came to his feelings. He was a beautiful lyricist, but when it came to being vocal about his feeling one on one, it wasn’t his thing. Adam had no problem expressing his opinions about other topics, he could tell a national audience about his most embarrassing moment, like when he performed on stage with a huge buger coming out of his nose.

Adam turned back around and placed his hands in the front pockets of his warn out blue jeans.

“What’s the news anyway?” Adam agitatedly.

After being friends with Adam for 12 plus years, James knew how to deal with Adam’s moody and unpredictable attitude. 

“Well, Shawn and Interscope had a meeting, and its official. We can finally go back in the studio to get our fourth album in the works.” James explained, his left hand interlocked with Ali’s. “Aren’t you stoked?”

Adam just stood there, he knew this day was coming. He just wasn’t ready to actually leave Maddie at home. Although, he may not have to leave her just yet, because of the dreadful interview he had.

“Why don’t you look excited?” James asked following Adam over to the main siting area. Ali remained in the kitchen, probably scrolling through her Twitter feed. The standard iPhone ringtone erupted out of her phone and she walked out.

Adam and James glanced at Ali leaving the room and then faced each other.

“I don’t know man. I’m just really not- I don’t know.” Adam said slowly, lowering his neck as he rubbed his forehead.

“Adam, I know this has been a rough year. I know, I don’t blame you for grieving at all. You have the right to. I just think, you’re stuck in this stalemate. If you don’t get out of it now, you never will, and soon it’s going to affect Maddie, you know?”

Adam appreciated the way James went about his lecture, opposed to Jesse’s forceful and abrupt approach.

There was nothing but silence between the two of them. James sat, sitting up straight, like always as he waited for Adam’s response.

When time began to start again, Adam finally spoke.

“Okay,” Adam managed to get out, still not making eye contact with James.

James didn’t reciprocate, all he needed to do was gently tap Adam on the shoulder and smile, although the grin upon his face was directed toward Maddie. Adam was making the right decision, and he could only look up from here. The chains holing him down were finally being released, and slowly Adam was being relieved from his guilt. 

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