Chapter 23: Unfinished

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Hey guys!!! Sorry for the REALLY long wait. Hope y’all enjoy. This chapter is a bit sad, and more answers will start appearing soon. You are the best and every vote and comment means the world to me. Thanks! 

Chapter 23: Unfinished 

**It had been another day of the same routine. At this point it had become mundane. But, he didn't mind, after all, he signed up for this. Adam loved Maddie with all of his heart. Every ounce of his being was consumed with wanting to protect her. He couldn’t imagine anything better. Everything in his life was perfect. He had his new wife, a new baby, and his friends.  He woke up every morning with a glowing smile. Even the bad days were still good. Besides the loss of sleep, nothing was getting in Adam’s way. However, there were things he could do without. The 3am feedings were by far the worst. Although, that was it.

It had been a good thing that Adam’s musical career was successful enough to support a baby. He quickly realized that babies were expensive. Constantly running out of everything. The pantry always looked barren and like an apocalypse was nearing. 

 Adam left home for a few hours to do a few quick errands with Jesse and Maddie. Adam wanted to give Hope a few hours to herself. Lately she had been feeling really stressed. He didn't blame her.  He wasn’t able imagine the physical pain she must have been in giving birth. Thinking about it made Adam queasy. The utter thought of it forced him to shutter and snap his eyes close.

When it was happening, Adam forced himself to be in the room. He hated hospitals, but finally he was there for a happy reason. A couple of times he walked out of the room to catch his breath. He was doing more crying than Hope, but it caused Hope to laugh, so Adam didn’t mind. Anything to see her smile when she was in siring pain, made it all worth it. Especially when their baby girl was minutes away from joining their lives.

After he parked his car, returning form the store, he walked a head of Jesse who was holding Maddie. Jesse really loved having Maddie around.  Seeing them interact made Adam extremely happy. He didn’t want their relationship to change once Maddie was born. He had heard numerous stories of “rock stars” changing after they had kids. Adam planned to combat anything from coming between their friendships.  At first he had his qualms, but a few months had passed, and nothing seemed to change.

Adam walked into a silent house. There was a light hum of the ceiling fan above him. The shades were down and the room was dim. The perimeter of the door way was filled in with the door, zero light shining through. Adam assumed Hope was taking a nap. Adam fely like he was just about do for one too. He opened the cabinet to get a tea bag for Hope. So she woke up she would have tea waiting from her. Adam felt awful that she could drink coffee, her favorite drink, while she was breast feeding. But tea did compensate for the loss. The microwave stopped and Adam started walking to his bedroom door. The cup of tea warming his hands surrounding the sides.

Adam expected to see his beautiful sleeping love laying in their bed, but she wasn't there. The bathroom light had been on, the door was slightly cracked open. The shadow reflected and created a light line diagonal to the window. Everything in the room was dim and slightly gray. Adam could barely see his feet as he made his way to the bathroom.

To Adam's horror, and image of lifeless Hope laying on the ground appeared through his eyes. He stopped. Frozen, he stared.

 Adam dropped the mug he was holding, it shattered on the tile floor. Making a sound that would stay with him forever. Adam fell to his knees, lifting up Hope's arm checking for a pulse. Nothing. He began shaking her. He repeated "Hope! Hope! Wake up! Wake up!"  No movement. Nothing. Adam started shouting and at this point Jesse walked in and his mouth fell to the floor. His eyes became wide as he watched his best friend lay over Hope.

Adam wasn’t able to process what was happening. He spoke to his beautiful wife just hours before. Nothing would lead him to believe that this was in her mind. Adam tried racking his brain, no thoughts could make their way out. His mind was an unfinished Sunday crossword puzzle. The clues were there, but he couldn’t put them together.

"Jesse! Call an ambulance!" Adam screeched. His throat was dry, attempting to speak was nearing impossible. With all his might, he succeeded.

 Jesse did as he was instructed, not knowing what else to do, Maddie still remained in his arms. Maddie, being only a few month old, had no idea what was going on and completely disregarded her mother lying on the bathroom floor. Adam laid his head Hope's stomach. Crying, shouting. Doing anything he could to wake her up. He stuck his hands through her lifeless, flimsily fingers. Attempting everything to feel close to her. Adam shouts echoed though the hallway, ricocheting off the walls of the bathroom. A sound that stained the area. His sobs began to die down, then they turned to shouts and then down to a soft whimper as an EMTs came into his home to carry Hope way.*

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