Chapter 13: Times Have Changed

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Chapter 13

There wasn’t anything unusual about today, the sun rose in its usual place, cars drove the speed limit on the highway, and Adam still was unable to get a decent night’s sleep.  After all of his efforts to maintain a sound slumber, he failed every time. He rubbed his tired eyes and slowly managed to get out of bed.

                It was early in the morning, normally he would lounge in bed a bit more, but Adam had a meeting with a few producers.  He really wasn’t looking forward to it.  Guilt consumed him every time he thought about leaving Maddie and going to the studio, or even worse going on tour. Adam shuttered slightly, and a chill ran through his spine.  His mom was coming over later to watch Maddie when he went out.  His mother, was one of the few people who Adam would allow to babysit Maddie.  Having her around his daughter made him feel safer ---- more at ease when he was out.

                Shortly after Hope’s death, his mother insisted she move in to help Adam with the baby, but Adam stubbornly declined. Logically, he knew his should accept her help, he couldn’t take care of a three month old alone.  Although, he managed with the lack of sleep and exhaustion.

                Adam looked around the living room, his eyes pin pointing all the areas that he should clean. When he walked into Maddie’s nursery, she was barely stirring.  Her tiny left arm was above her head and clutched in her right palm was pale stuffed bunny rabbit.  Even attempting to remove the bunny from her hand would be like pulling a star out of the sky-- virtually impossible. The bunny usually never left her side, it was always a crawl away.  When Maddie was still in Hope’s whom, she picked out the bunny at a small shop a few blocks from their house.  It was as if Maddie knew that the animal had a connection to her mother.  The pale green walls were glistening as the sun light escaped through the window parallel to were Adam was standing. Every time he entered Maddie’s quaint bedroom, he would sigh and attempt to suppress his desire that Hope would enter along with him. As Adam approached Maddie’s beige crib, her bright blue eyes flickered open, and a sweet smile with a toothless grin grew upon her face.

                Maddie clung to Adam’s hip and nestled her head on his shoulder. He loved feeling her heart beat next to his, everything about Maddie reminded him of Hope. He seated Maddie in her highchair and mentally prepared himself for the day to come. His black iPhone was erupting with emails and texts, the constant bombardment of the messages made the kitchen table vibrate vigorously.  Maddie laughed infectiously, forcing Adam to smile in response.

                Along with the meetings with the producers, Adam would be going to the studio for the first time in almost six months.  Adam used to love the studio. When he was in the booth, he could let his emotions fly away. The night before he grabbed his beat up, very loved blue telecaster. Sometimes he would leave a trail of blue chipped paint behind him.

                Adam sighed and looked at Maddie. 

“Hey, baby girl.” He said, calmly and gently grasping her small hand. “Daddy’s gonna go out for a while today. It won’t be that long, I promise. I’ll be thinking of you the whole time, I won’t forget about you.”

                Maddie stared at him blankly at first, and then smiled. She stretched her arms out, gesturing for her father to lift her out of the high chair. He hoisted Maddie and balanced her on his hip, and tickled her slightly. She burst into laughter and Adam soaked in the sweet sound of her happiness.

Moments later there was a knock at the door. Standing in the doorway was James and his mother, Patsy. His mother was adjusting the collar on James’s shirt and telling him to cut his long blond hair. At this point in Maroon 5’s career if James did cut his luscious locks, the entire fan base would be thrown into a tizzy. Thousands of teenage girls would be furious, and disappointed that their beloved “Blond Jesus” was no longer.

Immediately, his mother smiled and took Maddie out of Adam’s arms. She began gushing over how big her granddaughter had gotten.

“Ready to go?” James asked happily.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Adam answered with a frown.

“I know you’ll have fun.” His mom interjected, taking her eyes off Maddie for a few seconds. “I used to never see you because you spent all of your time in that studio.”

Adam let out a deep breath. She was absolutely right. His relatives often though he was dead because he would only leave the studio when there was an emergency or when their supply of frozen tacos was depleting. The guys used to live of anything with more than half of the ingredients being chemicals.

“I’ll go get my stuff.” Adam begrudgingly grabbed his guitar, walking as slow as possible to delay him inevitably leaving Maddie.

He thanked his mom once again and then turned to Maddie to say his goodbyes He wouldn’t be gone for long, but it felt like he was being sent off to war. Adam’s heart ached and there was nothing he could do to resolve his pain. Deep in his mind he knew he had to go back, however he felt it was too soon, contrary to everyone else.

“I love you, be good for Grandma. Okay?” Adam said, kissing Maddie’s soft forehead.

Then Adam and James turned away, and James gently patted Adam on the back.

“It’s gonna be okay man,” He assured him. “She’ll be fine.”

The whole ride the studio was filled with silence. All that could be heard was the gentle sound of James’s Prius.  James had no idea what to say, normally the car would be filled with a new record James recently found, or the two would reminisce about some random story. Although, James took the hint Adam wasn’t in the mood for talking.  Throughout the car ride, Adam fiddled with his fingers, and gazed out the window, trying to imagine what Maddie was probably doing at the moment.

James drove the car to a gentle stop and the two got out.

Most of the morning was filled with meetings, everyone was beyond thrilled to see that Adam actually attended. A and M almost threatened to cut them from their contract and leave them in the dust. However, thanks to the guys’ persistence that wasn’t a possibility anymore.  After the suffocating meetings with the countess corporate guys in suits, Adam could freely to go to the studio.  Adam’s anticipation grew as he walked closer to the entrance.  With each step he became more comfortable with the idea. The studio seemed like a foreign land to Adam now. How could something he used to love turn into his worst nightmare?

Above the studio had always been where Maroon 5 and their team conversed about minute details pertaining to the band In conjunction was a small break room with a fridge that only contained frozen pizza, a six pack of beer and an apple from 2009, with mold growing into the shape of Chewbacca.  

Adam followed his bandmate down the long corridor leading to the stairs that would soon take him to the studio. His ears grabbed on to every sound as he took each step on the creaky old oak steps. The last step had seen better days, Adam made sure to skip it, like he always had.

James looked back at him, and Adam gave him a sheepish smile before they entered the place Adam used to love.

The wooden door was pushed open and Adam felt like he should hold his breath. The studio remained unchanged. Pasted on the walls stayed the very old and out dated dingy burgundy wallpaper. As time when on, it became increasingly more faded.  Blanketing the shag carpet from the 70s, was countless sheets of paper with unfinished and rejected song lyrics on them.  Noah, one of their producers, had large headphones on, testing the quality of one of James’s recordings. Not to Adam’s surprise, that their platinum albums still were tacked to the wall. Looking at the culmination of their hard work always made Adam smile.  The mixing board had been improved with more bells and whistles than before, making it look like even more of a spaceship. Instruments were neatly placed in their respective stands and picks were always conveniently placed near them.  The old mildew and “man” smell wafted through the air. No matter how many air fresheners Hope had bought, the smell was unassailable. Although, it did make her love the studio more. She claimed it brought “more ambiance”, ironically.  Everyone else had gone out to lunch besides James and Adam.

Without saying another word to James, Adam picked up his guitar, and embraced the feeling he had been resisting for so many months. 

Thnaks so much guys for the suggestions in  the previous chapter. Chapters will be more regular now. Remember to vote! Thanks again!!!!

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