Part 3

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Taeyong pov
Wow this ten is really pretty..
I hope he didnt think i was weird when he saw me looking at him in class ahhh why did i have to blush.
He looks like a real softie

"Uhmmmm hellooo? Earth to taeyong." Jungwoos soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts " oh sorry, what?"
"Anyways we were asking if you want to go out so we can het to know ten better?"

Taeyong looked over at ten who was drawing something for doyoung, it looked like him wearing a crown or something, no suprises there.

"Sure why not."

Nobody POV
The day couldnt go any slower. The only good thing was that taeyong and ten had the same classes together and sat next to each other in a few.

Ten actually helped taeyong at math because he was really bad ahah.

"NO x=2-y !!" Ten says frustrated
"This is so stupid why cant we just know what x is, AlSo this doesn't benefit me in life so why should i learn it?!"

"BeCaUsE school says so, i wouldnt if i had the choice but i dont so SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!"

Sorry its short but im already writing part 4 so please dont be angry :)

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