Part 11

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2 years later...

Nobody POV
Taeyong has gotten a lot better the past 2 years but he never moved on. Ten is still always on his mind but he smiles thinking about him. All thanks to jungwoo and doyoung.

Everyone is still friends and all go to the same college. Now most of them being 20 while taeyong still had a week until he was 20.

"So taeyong, what do you want for your birthday?" Mark asked.

"Uhm i dont really mind anything is fine" he replied.

" ok but let us know if anything comes to mind" doyoung continued.

"Yeah i will"

Of course ten came to his mind but he knew that wasn't possible.

Taeyong POV

I have found comfort and peace at taking landscape photos, mainly capturing the sunset and its beautiful colours.

I walk home on my lonely path passing all the dark houses, the familiar scents filling my nose as i continue walking.

Life here is ok, ok, but it could be better. With you here with me, hugging me tight. Giving me bright smiles and holding my hand as we walk together.

I reach to grasp a hand, but there is nothing to grasp and my hand goes through the air. Passing by like time, i doesn't feel like you left me 2 years ago, but its the reality.

It feels like a dream though.

I want to wake up from this and you still be here with everyone. Making us all happy, making everyone happy. An open book with detailed pages.

You dont know how hard its been to accept you being gone. Gone from my reach and my sight.

I cant think straight, you intoxicate my mind yet in a good way. You fill me with all this happiness even when you are far away. I can still feel your positive energy.

Wont you just come back? For me? So we can be together. I want to tell you how i feel.

All my unread texts and unheard calls. All left for you. It feels like just yesterday you were with me helping me with math when it got confusing.

Right now i can only dream about you coming back. I will wait for your return. If you do ever return. If you dont then i will come to you.

Im still the same but i had to alter myself to stop all my crying. Im just glad i have support from the people i care for.

My precious tennie, the little cutie that made my bright life brighter, the one who took my heart and gave yours in return.

I truly love you, i still do.

I miss you everyday, i wont ever forget your gorgeous voice and soft hair. The way you blushed when i would compliment you and ruffle your hair.

I hope you dont forget me, and i hope you find happiness where you are. Although we never had long together i want to remember you forever.

I love you too.

Big oof man.
Sorry for updating late i really couldn't think today hehe😅
Anyways i wanted to tell you im going to be writing another story as well but i wont publish it until i finish this story!
Ily all thank you for the support❤️

Do you think about me too? ~ taeten [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now