Part 10

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Nobody POV
"Taeyong about yesterday im really sorry" jaehyun apologised sincerely.

"Its ok i know you didnt mean it you just wanted to help" taeyong flashed a very light smile.

Taeyong felt better after junwoos comfort and support, what an angel. Who doesn't love jungwoo?

After school taeyong and doyoung went to the park nearby together to just enjoy the spring air and have a talk about life in general.

Taeyong laid on the soft green grass and stared up at the clouds trying to find any kind of shapes. Cloud watching was one of his favourite things to do.

Doyoung was admiring all of the pretty flowers and made a daisy crown.
" what do you think?" He asked

Taeyong looked over and smiled "it looks good on the queen"

" why thank you" he returned the smile.

"Doyoung? Whats your opinion on life?"
Taeyong asked abruptly.

"Well life can be good or bad it depends on who you choose to be in your life and they make it what it is whether you enjoy it or not, and id say that i chose the right people" he ended with a big smile.

"Yeah i guess, its all just ups and downs and I'm very slowly going back up but i think it will take me a while since I'm still basically at the bottom. Im glad i have great friends like you and jungwoo to support me" taeyong continued

"You'll get there Yong just take your time theres no rush ill be there with you every step of the way" doyoung finished making taeyong a daisy crown.

He gently placed it on his soft pink hair and cooed at how the daisies compliment his cute features.

"I think we should go home its getting a bit late" taeyong suggested helping doyoung up ooff the grass.

"Yeah have a good night taeyong bye!" He waved

"You too!" He waved back

'At least im not alone'
He thought to himself walking back home to get in bed and fall asleep.

This one is a bit short because its more of a filler because theres a massive time skip next part have a good night! ❤️

Do you think about me too? ~ taeten [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now