Part 6

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Nobody POV
Taeyong woke up to the sound of his alarm which was one of his favourite songs lotto by exo.
"Ugh school well at least i get to see ten the little squish" taeyong mumbles. as he is still tired.

After brushing his hair a bit and putting his outfit on he ate some breakfast and headed for school.
He saw ten walking in the distance and ran to catch up with him. "Hey" he said breathlessly
"Oh! Hi yongie what a nice surprise" ten said in awe then squishing taeyongs cheeks.

The pair continued on to school and arrived to their first class sitting in their seats, which were next to each other because this was history another subject ten was good at and taeyong was amazingly bad at.

"Wow im not even from korea and i know more about irs history than you, maybe i should be you tutor?" Ten smirked and nudged Taeyong.
"Uhm i dont think that will be necessary!" Taeyong blushed

"Stop being so cute and squish I'm going to explode!" Ten coos "aish you're cute one here" he said looking down at his lap.

"Awww thanks yongieeee!" Ten thanked

When class finished and lunch came around the group of friends met up. "Hey wheres lucas and jungwoo?" Mark asked "i dont know probably fucking somewhere" jaehyun guessed and boi he was right, the janitors closet to be exact.

"HeY tHeReS a 17 YeAr OlD hErE!" Mark yelled
"Tsch we all know you want haechan mark just admit it you long ass ride" doyoung replied

"I dOnT dEsErVe ThIs BuLlYiNg" mark sobbed "its not bullying when its your best friend" taeyong smiled

"Oh fuk off taeyong"mark scoffed
"HEY! Dont say such mean things to a smol bean like this!" Ten defended

Taeyong only smiled at how ten was acting.

After lunch it was math yet another class where ten was stuck explaining the same thing about 200 times to taeyong just so he would understand and actually learn.

"So x=what?" Ten asked hoping taeyong would say the right thing.
"X=y+5 which is 13!?" Taeyong asked excited and worried if he had gotten it wrong.

"YES! FiNaLlY!!" Ten said relived
"yAy!" Taeyong said happily that he could figure out what x is.

"Ok so now we do x y and z equations" ten said

"Oh no no im done" taeyong said


After math finished they had science which was fun because they did an experiment that required no skill or much effort at all so taeyong was happy.

"Oh shoot my pencil" ten said as he dropped it.
He bent over to get it and he was right in front of taeyong. Taeyong got really flustered and looked away while blushing.
After ten retrieved his pencil he continued his work unaware of what had just happened.

"END OF THE DAY FINALLYYY" taeyong yelled happily " have a great evening guys im going straight home!" Ten said and waved goodbye " yeah same byee!" Taeyong did the same.

Oof my longest part so far sorry if theres any mistakes im writing this at 2:16 am lol have a goid night!

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