Part 5

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Nobody POV

After everyone parted ways and walked home ten realised that him and taeyong were going the same way and decided to make conversation.

"Hey i just wanted to say i hope we can be really good friends because you seem like a nice person and you're not mean or evil haha sorry im starting to ramble but yeah i hope we can get along well" ten said then flashing the sweetest smile ever.

Taeyong clenched his heart "you know youre really cute when you smile it makes me UWU" taeyong cooed.
"Awww thanks i guess ill smile more then ;)"

HoLy MoLy DiD hE jUsT wInK aT mE
Taeyong though to himself

" noo i dont think my heart can handle it ahh but i dont want you to stop being happy oof"

"Well ive already decided to keep being happy especially around you" he flashed another smile

"Anyways this is my house see you tomorrow yongie" he said bis bue and went into his house

"Oh my what is he doing to me i swear his cuteness will kill me someday" taeyong mumbled to himself

He walked the lonely lath home thinking about tens cute smile. He shivered because of the coldness so he put his hood up and walked a bit faster until he reached the warmth of his home, finally falling on his bed and scrolling through some memes.

Until he got a message from an unkown number.

'Hey its ten mark gave me your number :)'

'Oh hey ten, have a good night and dream well!'

'Ah yes i will and you too!

Taeyong put his phone down and changed into his pj's then to get under the warmth of his covers drifting off into sleep.

Back at tens house he was talking to mark while under his covers.

'Hes really cute you know it makes me soft'

'Ooh it seems like you have a crush'

'Pfft me crush never haha anyways im going to get some sleep now and you should to bye!'

'Yeah i will bye'

Ten locked his phone put it on his desk then closed his eyes and went to sleep very warm and cosy.

Hah more of my shitty writing anyways im probably gonna be weiting all night if i can think of chapters anyways love you

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