Part 14

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Taeyongs eyes started to fill with tears, he didn't fight them back.

He fell into tens arms and cried his heart out.

"Shhh its ok yongie I'm here." Ten pet his head.

"B-but i thought y-you" taeyong was cut off.

"Had to go back to thailand with my father? Well yes i did but our lovely doyoung and jungwoo paid for my flight back here and convinced my father to come and live with you!" Ten continued.

Taeyongs face lit up and he hugged ten with all of his love.

" oh yongie i missed you so much, there wasn't a day where i didn't think about about you or miss you. Im really sorry i had to leave and never got to tell you how i feel. Taeyong hyung ilive you with all my heart and you make me so happy, will you do me the honour of being my boyfriend?" Ten confessed.

Everyone awed at tens words.

"Yes! Of course i will ten! I love you so much!" Taeyong said happily in tens arms.

"I love you too my yong!" Ten smiled brightly.

The party got 10x better for taeyong when ten arrived.

It continued on for a bit until eventually everyone had to leave.

"Bye taeyong! Bye ten!" Mark waved as he walked away with haechan.

"Come on tennie lets go home." Taeyong said holding his hand interlocking their fingers.

" thanks for the party doyoung!" Taeyong yelled as he and ten left his house.

Taeyong walked down his not so lonely path hand in hand with ten, swinging thier hands back and forth.

Taeyong was happy that ten had come back.

When they got home they changed into night wear and got into bed together.

Taeyong held tens waist while ten wrapped his arms around tae's neck then nuzzling his face into the crook of his neck in hailing the sweet smell and leaving a small kiss there.

They both drifted off into a wolrd of their own enjoying each others warmth.

Yayyy ten is back and taeten is official!!
Oof its going to end soon😫😪
But please look forward to my next story.

Do you think about me too? ~ taeten [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now