Part 8

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Nobody POV
The next day when taeyong arrived at achool and went to his first class, math, ten was nowhere to be seen. This made taeyong sad because ten usually helps taeyong with his x y and z equations.

When lunch came around it became apparent that ten was not at school as no one had seen or heard from him and the group were beginning to worry, especially taeyong.

When taeyong went to his locker to get his english books he noticed a pink note stuck to the top of one if his books. It was from ten.
Taeyong gasped as he read the letter that ten had left him, it wrote.

Hey Yongie!

I know you're probably worried about where i am and im sorry to say that i will no longer be in korea due to my fathers work wanting him to come back and i have to join him to go back to Thailand. Im really sorry that i cant help you with math anymore but i wrote down a copy of my revision and left it in your locker for you.
Please dont cry over me leaving because i want you to be happy and smile when you look back on the memories we share.

Hyung i love you and more than a friend, im sorry that i couldn't tell you in real life but i want you to find someone and be happy, please forget about me. Im sure i will not be returning.

Your tennie x❤️

Taeyong couldn't hold back his tears reading the letter his ten had left him. Doyoung rushed over and read the letter himself to then comfort and hug a crying taeyong.

"H-he was the one i-i loved th-though..." he cried harder.

"I know, i know im sorry yong" doyoung pet his hair hugging him tighter.

When taeyong was walking home he sobbed as he passed tens former home.
He prayed that he would burst out with a big smile and hug him with all him love but nothing. He cried and cried and cried. He started skipping school and locking himself in his room away from the rest of the world.

He would spend most of his time scrolling through pictures they took together crying so much as he missed him with all of his heart.

"What am i supposed to do without you ten"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oof sorry its sad but its how the story was planned have a nice evening i love you thanks

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Oof sorry its sad but its how the story was planned have a nice evening i love you thanks. :D❤️

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