t h i c c like a s n i c c

335 28 21

Mikey's insta story—

Inspired by PepeWentzIII
Gerard's POV

One day I bought a fucking snickers bar.

A good ass snickers bar.

Who doesn't want a motherfucking snickers bar?

I walked home with my fucking snickers bar.

I didn't eat it yet because i was a dumb thot.

-at home-

I walked out of the shower with my soaking wet clothes because who the fuck showers naked?

I walked into my room, because I was craving a thicc snicc.

I walked into my room.

There was no



"nOoOoOoOo !" I screeched, running into Moikey's room.

"MOIKEY!" I screeched, causing the young thot™ to turn around.

"The fUck you want, Gerald?" Moikey asked, a mouthful full of thicc snicc™

"YOU THOT! THATS M Y THICC SNICC™ !" I shouted, grabbing the nearest nerd novel he was reading and threw it at him.

"the fuck nani?" Moikey confusedly said, throwing the book back at me, which I s u c c e s s f u l l y didn't block.

"tHATS MY T H I C C S N I C C™ !" I shouted once again as he shoved the rest of the thicc snicc™ down his throat.

That thot, probably practicing for Pent Went™.

"I dOnT kNoW wHaT yOu'Re TalKiNg AbOuT, gErAlD," Moikey LIED as I took another one of his thottie nerd books and threw it at him.

"how dARE YOU GERALD!" Moikey screeched, throwing a piece of paper at me.

It didn't get to me though, because it's a fucking piece of paper which means it only traveled about one foot of distance.


"LIAR!" I screeched as Moikey sat on his bed, doing nothing like a young thot™.

"The fuck—"

"S C R E E !" I scree!ed, messing up the rest of his room.


"I WILL E L I M I N A T E YOU !" I shouted, pulling out a random pocket knife that I just have and putting it in his face.


"you will d i e, young thot™ !"


"W H A T !"

All of a sudden, the young thot™ pulled a thicc snicc™  bar out of his pocket.

"You aren't you when you're hungry."


I don't know what this is please don't ask

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