Chapter 19. Choices!

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Zack's mind raced as he made his way back to the pack house and his mate. He had been so proud of her tonight. She had faced the whole pack with courage and dignity, her inner strength clear for all to see.

But he knew that tonight was just the beginning. She would have many trials to face and overcome over the next few days and weeks.  And he intended to be right there with her the whole way.

As he open the front door, he followed the enticing scent of his mate into the kitchen and found Sophie sitting at the large table nursing a mug of some sort of tea, he thought, by the strong earthy scent it emitted.  Hmmm he didn't even realise he had tea.

She looked up as he entered and smiled softly. "I hope you don't mind my helping myself? I didn't know how long you would be." She said apologetically.

"This is your home now Sophie, you are welcome to anything you need. And if I don't have what you are looking for, let me know and I will get it for you."

Sophie's smile turned down a little at the corners, and became sadder as she looked up at him. "We both know this can never be my true home Zack. Too much has happened to me here for me to ever really be comfortable or happy.  And by some of your packs reaction tonight to me, well they made it clear they don't trust or want me here."

"I don't care what others think or say Sophie!" Zack growled. "The ones who tried to cause trouble tonight are not important. They are what remains of my fathers inner circle. They have been trying to cause problems for me since I took over as Alpha. I have been patient and as understanding as I can, because my father asked me to make allowances, but they will be told that I will not tolerate insolence or disobedience from them any longer. I should have banished them long ago, but out of respect for my father I gave them chance after chance. But no more! If they step of out line one more time they will be punished severely or banished, no matter what my father says."

Sophie's smile turned derisive. "Respect for your father?" She scoffed. "What has that male ever done to earn respect." She growled fiercely.

"I know how you feel about my parents Sophie and I can't say I blame you. But please believe me when I tell you that they were not always so.......".

"Evil? Greedy? Selfish? Criminal?" Sophie suggested as she fumed at his once again defence of those monsters he called parents.

"Look Sophie I don't want to argue with you again about them. I know what they did to you was terrible but you don't know them like I do. They are not terrible people. They just made some terrible choices."

"Maybe its you who doesn't know them as well as you think Zack. But you are right, us arguing is not helpful at the moment. We need to make a plan. What are we going to do to get your pack young back?"

Zack frowned at Sophie's criticism of how well he knew his parents. He knew he should be defending them, but for some reason he couldn't find the words. He decided not to give it anymore thought right now as Sophie was right about one thing, they needed a plan. He decided to broach the most difficult subject first, hoping that by getting it out of the way things might go easier for them both. He sat down at the table directly across from his mate, watching her intently.

"I suppose the first and most important part of our plan is our mating. You know the council representatives will expect us to complete the mating as soon as possible." Sophie's face paled dramatically and her breathing and heart rate increased exponentially. "I'm sorry Sophie to bring this up so quickly, but you know it's true. They will expect us to mate immediately. It's very difficult for mates to be around each other and not complete the bond and they know this. I know it will be difficult for you, but I swear I will be as gentle as I know how and I will try and make it good for you."

Sophie was sure her heart was trying to pound it's way out of her chest. Fear gripped her throat and constricted her breathing painfully. She had known this was coming. She knew he would expect her to mate with him fully. But she just didn't know if she could do it.

As she sat across from Zack she could see the worry in his eyes as he watched her carefully. She struggled to get her breathing under control, and with sheer force of will she managed to slow it to an almost normal level. As she closed her eyes to focus her thoughts on bringing the rest of her panic under control, her mind drifted and she couldn't help but think of what Zack was asking of her.

For a mating bond to be completed it involved sex and biting. During sex, the male would release a hormone through his ejaculate which mixes with the females fluids, it causes their scents to combine and change to a unique mix of both, making it clear to any other wolf who scents them that they are mated. The final step is the mating mark. The males teeth will part shift when he is about to climax and he bites the neck of his mate where her shoulder meets her neck. A clear mark of mating and possession.

And Sophie had no idea if she would be able to allow Zack to do any of it. She looked at Zack sitting so still across the scared table top, and what she saw in his eyes astounded her. Fear. Stark, absolute fear. She realised then that she was not the only one who was terrified. Her heart softened slightly at the big gruff male sitting so patiently, waiting for her to say something. Anything.

"I... I don't.... if I......". A frustrated sigh escaped her and she tried again to put into words the jumble of emotions coursing through her. "I'm afraid!" She finally managed to say. So much more could have, should have, been said, but at the exact moment it was all she could find.

"I know sweetheart," he said softly. "I know how difficult it will be for you, and I would never rush you if there was any other way. But the council will never believe our mating is real if we do not consummate the mating. And we need them to believe it. If we are to have any chance of getting them off our back, and bringing our young home, they have to be convinced it's real." He reached over the table and gently took her hand in his. "I vow to you my mate, I will do everything I can to make you as comfortable as is possible."

Sophie saw the honesty and sincerity in his eyes.

And the decision was made.

"Let's get this over with!" She said decisively. And immediately felt guilty at the flinch from Zack at her cold words, but could not find it in her to soften her words. She pushed her chair back from the table and stood. "I take it you don't want to do it here where anyone can walk in?" She said nervously, when Zack failed to move.

Zack stood abruptly, his movement jerky and uncoordinated. "Are you sure you want to do this now. We can wait a day or so if.....". His words trailed off lamely at the determined look on his brave mates face.

"NO! It needs to be now, before I change my mind. It's not going to be any easier tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. And you are right the sooner we get it done, the sooner the council completes their investigation and leaves. Then we can all get on with our lives."  She paused, looking down at the floor.  "Also I'm not fertile at the moment so there is no chance of me becoming pregnant." 

At his mates harsh words, Zack couldn't help the flash of hurt that went through him. But it also filled him with resolve. He would change her mind. He would show her how good their mating could be. Because to him it was a very real mating.  And she would stay with him, she bare his young.

He just hoped what was about to happen here tonight would not cause more harm to her already damaged psyche. He walked around the table and took her hand in his and led her out of the kitchen and up the large staircase to his bedroom.

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