Chapter 30. Let the Wolf Out!

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A week after the meeting and pack vote, Sophie made her way down to the kitchen to begin her morning worship of the Goddess that is coffee. After filling the largest mug she could find Sophie sat at the large scarred wooden table and slowly sipped the heavenly brew and waited for the caffeine jolt to kick in.

Sophie and Zack had both been interviewed more than once but the council Alphas in the course of their investigation. They had mentioned both of Zack's parents had been questioned. She would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during those. But she was quite sure anything they said would be lies to cover their own asses.

She and Zack had continued to spend most of their time together in the last week working on her wolf.  The increase in her senses and strength amazed her.  Even though she still could not shift, she felt her wolf within stronger than she had in years.  And she also knew it was thanks to Zack that her wolf was coming back to her.  It had brought them a closeness that she did not expect.

Although they were still sleeping in separate rooms, she could honestly say they were building the foundations of what could be a strong mating. If she had intended to stay with him, she knew they could have eventually been happy.

In the days since they had completed the mating her wolf had continued to grown stronger and stronger in the presence of her mate. And as it should be, she was drawing strength from the mate bond to heal her wolf. And she would continue to strengthen as the continued contact with Zack fed her pack and bond starved wolf. The body and soul she shared with her wolf was almost whole again.

Humans had always misunderstood how the whole male/female wolf bond worked. Scientists, who were interviewed when the existence of shifters became known, speculated that the wolf was an entirely separate entity from the person it inhabited. They even had the idea that the wolf could talk to its other half.

But in reality their speculation and supposition couldn't be further from the truth. Yes in some ways a wolf shifter could communicate with its human half, but only in so far as to express emotion and in sometimes a.....knowing?  Like when you meet your mate.  The human part of the shifter could feel if his or her wolf was angry, sad, happy or confused and the wolf could also feel the emotion of the human side. But as for holding a conversation with your wolf half, yeah they put people in institutions for thinking that shit.

The reality is that although they could have separate feeling and thoughts a wolf and it's human counterpart were very much one entity. They were just two very different sides of the same coin.  Two souls in one body.

Sophie couldn't be happier that her wolf was gaining strength. But with that returning health came the problem. Her wolf wanted her mate! She wanted to be close to him all the time. She wanted to rub up against him and mark him with her scent to warn other females away, and have him mark her.  Again.

Her wolf didn't understand why they weren't together all the time and was pulling at Sophie constantly to go and find her mate. And it was getting harder to fight her. It surprised her just how strong her wolf had become in such a short period of time. Her mother had always told her that she would be an Alpha female one day. She always talked to Sophie about how strong her wolf was and that she would have to work harder than her friends to control her wolf.

And she had. She spent time with her father every evening after dinner, learning how to coexist with her other half, how to channel the strength of her wolf. When they died and she moved here, her wolf was only just beginning to mature. That's why her torturer had found it so easy to subdue her. He had not only beat the fight out of the human side but out of her wolf also.

But under the influence of the mate bond, her wolf was almost back to full strength.

After refilling her mug for the second time, Sophie began to feel the effects of the caffeine slowly sweeping away the sleep deprived cobwebs from her mind and she sighed contentedly.

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