Chapter 23. Recounting Torture!

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Possible tigger warning! Please be aware this chapter contains details of abuse and sexual violence!

Sophie followed the big alpha into what she assumed was Zack's office, a feeling of dread settling over her. She knew what was to come was going to be bad. The last thing she wanted to do was talk about........that, but somehow she didn't think Alpha Jacob would care about what she wanted.

As soon as she cleared the doorway Jacob firmly closed the door and flicked the lock. "Just to ensure we are not interrupted." He said gruffly. "You understand, I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to get the truth. And nothing bad will happen to you here in this room."

Sophie looked at the large intimidating alpha in surprise. He was looking at her with such compassion and sympathy it almost took her breath away. How could this scary, growly and it's worth saying it again SCARY council alpha be anything other than.........scary. Sophie realised in that moment that she had massively misjudged the wolf standing before her.

Maybe he had to put on some kind of front, when dealing with other males but in this situation she thought she was seeing the "real" Alpha Jacob.

"Please have a seat and be as comfortable as you can. I know this is going to be difficult for you but the quicker we get this part over with, the quicker I can complete my part of the investigation into this pack, it's previous alpha pair and your packmates. Now if at any point you need to take a break, just let me know. And please remember I will know if you lie to me." He finished grimly.

Even though I had no intention or need to lie it still rankled to be told not to. Besides, with a wolfs enhanced scenting ability telling a lie or indeed any strong emotion could be scented easily.

"I have no need or intention to lie Alpha Jacob, I want this over with as quickly as possible. Please just ask what you need to know so this can be done." She said settling into the chair directly in front of Zack's massive desk.

"Just Jacob will be fine Sophie." He said with a small smile. "Ok let's get started. Can you tell me how you came to live with your uncle Frank Danes?"

"My parents were killed in a car crash while on their way to the pack house to see their alpha."

"And how old were you?"

"I had just turned thirteen."

"When Alpha Thomas told you about your uncle coming to get you to live with him how did you feel?"

"I didn't want to go of course. I had never heard of him. My parents had never mentioned my having an uncle and I wanted to stay with my old pack. I wanted to stay with my friends and go to my school, not go and live with a complete stranger."

Jacob shuffled uncomfortably in his chair. "Now from what I understand you made some accusations against your uncle. Can you tell me what happened to you when you came to live with him?"

Sophie fumed, an angry flush flooded her otherwise pale face. "There were no "accusations" Alpha Jacob. Only truth. The first time he hurt me was a week after I came to live with him. He had made it clear from the first moment I stepped foot into his filthy cabin that I was there to serve him. I was to cook and clean and take care of him as he called it." Sophie sucked in a raw breath. "He had went out in the afternoon and told me to make sure his dinner was ready for him when he came home. But I was so tired I fell asleep. I hadn't been sleeping well, probably because on top of just loosing my parents and pack all in a few days I had to sleep in a corner of his bedroom. He had no bed for me and when I had asked for one he just laughed and told me I wouldn't need one. I didn't understand what he meant but hoped that it meant I wouldn't be with him for long. I was wrong." Tears slowly trickled down her once again pale cheeks.

"When he came home and found me sleeping in my corner and no dinner made, he dragged me up by my hair and threw me over the back of his filthy sofa. I was so shocked at first I didn't move, couldn't move. Then I heard his belt buckle release. I tried to stand but he put his hand on the back of my neck and held me down. He beat me over and over with his belt until I passed out from the pain." Sophie sobbed quietly. "I never fell asleep in the afternoon again."

Jacob cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with what he was hearing. She felt kind of bad for him, it was gonna get a whole lot worse.

"Did it......was it only.......when did it......" Sophie felt a macabre humour at his obvious discomfort. "Are you trying to ask me if it stayed with physical violence? Because I think you already know the answer to that."

Jacob seemed to pull himself together, cleared his throat once more and said in a no nonsense tone, "I need to hear it from you in your own words. When did it escalate from physical abuse to......what it became?"

"Sexual abuse! That's what it became! The first time he raped me was four months after I came to live here. I had just got my first menstrual cycle. I had tried to hid it from him because I was embarrassed. He had been making me feel uncomfortable for the last few months. Touching me, stroking his hand down my arm, my back. I think he had scented I was about to start and was trying to........I don't know, gentle me or something equally sick." Sophie went silent lost in the horrific memories for a few seconds, until she gave herself a mental shake and looked at the council alpha waiting for her to continue.

"I had been in the bathroom trying to rash out the rags I had used when I heard the door open. It was silent for a few seconds and I had hoped he had either gone back out or went straight to bed. He must have known the minute he entered the cabin that I had finished bleeding. The next thing I know the bathroom door flew open and crashed against the wall." Sophie took a second to compose herself before continuing.

"He looked at me and sneered "About time girly" I didn't know what he was talking about. I don't remember if I said anything to him but he grabbed me and dragged me into his bedroom. He told me he had been waiting for me to become a "woman". I didn't understand what he meant by that. Female wolves are never referred to as woman. That word implies adulthood and even as a child I knew I was not considered adult until I turned eighteen and capable of mating." She paused. "He began tearing of my clothes. I tried to fight him, told him to stop. I screamed until I was hoarse. He hit me on the face and body repeatedly with his fist telling me to shut my mouth but still I fought him."

She glanced up at Jacob, seeing disgust and contempt on his face. "I tried to stop him! Please you have to believe me! I didn't want him to!" Sophie sobbed.

Jacob quickly understood that Sophie had saw the look on his face and had mistakenly thought it was directed at her. "No sophie! No! I know you didn't want what happened to you. I'm sorry. I'm just......disgusted at what you went through. Please believe me when I say nothing you saw on my face was directed at you. I'm so sorry I have to put you through this but I promise you it is necessary. Please can you continue!"

Sophie once again took a few seconds to compose herself before continuing, tears rolling down her face continuously now. "When he finally had me naked he pushed me down onto the bed. I tried to get back up and he punched me again. I was so dazed from the blow I couldn't move. He told me it was my job now to keep him happy. That I was going to be his "woman". And there was nothing I could do about it. If I ran he told me he would find me and punish me."

Jacob sucked in a sharp breath at the now emotionless tone coming from the brave young female before him. He wanted to tell her to stop. That it was ok. That she had said enough. But he needed to hear it all and Goddess help him, he knew he would never be the same again once he had.

Sophie looked at a point on the wall behind where Jacob sat. "Then he forced my legs apart and raped me. The pain was unbelievable. He forced himself inside me over and over till I was torn and bleeding and almost unconscious from the agony. After what felt like hours he finally finished inside me and left me lying in a pool of blood." She turned her head to look at the silent male across from her. "I was thirteen years and five months old the first time he raped me. But it was far from the last."

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