Chapter 37. It's Finally Over?

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The next next morning Sophie made her way downstairs, her eyes red and bloodshot after a night of too many tears and too little sleep.  She had tossed and turned all night, the few minutes of restless sleep she had managed to get had been plagued with nightmares and memories.  She could hear the murmur of voices coming from the other side of the house.  So she headed towards them.

As she walked into the kitchen she was startled at the scene she walked in on.  Zack was sitting at the table a mug of coffee clasped tightly between his hands.  But it was Alpha Jacob who drew her attention.

He was livid!  The air was so thick with aggression and anger you could almost reach out and touch it.  She knew then Zack had kept his word.

"So he's told you I take it?"  She asked tentatively.

"Oh he told me alright, he told me everything.  It goes without saying he should have told me long before this.  What were you thinking Zack?  Why did you think it was acceptable to hid your parents actions from the council?  As the future alpha of this pack it was your responsibility, your duty, to report their crimes to the council as soon as you found out!"

"I know that Alpha!  I know what I should have, but didn't do, I was trying to protect them, and the pack!"  He looked at the other alpha, eyes bleak.  "What would have happened if I had reported them then?  They would have been executed and the pack disbanded, that's what!  What would have happened to all the families then.  Where would they have gone?  I did the only thing I thought I could at the time."  He lowered his head looking shattered.  "I truly regret my decision.  I thought that by making my father stand down as Alpha and taking over I could fix everything they had done!  I was wrong!  I know that now!"

"Yes son you were wrong!"  He sat down heavily at the table and waited for Zack to look at him.  "I have to be honest with you Zack, I don't know what's gonna happen here now.  I will report back to the council with what you have told me, but I'm sure you know there will be repercussions.  Just how far they will go remains to be seen.  A lot will depend on your mate."

"Me!  What do you mean?" Sophie asked, shocked.  "What does it have to do with me now?"

"Well you were the victim of their wrongdoings.  You don't think the council is going to want to speak to you?  Because they will.  So you should prepare yourself for some very difficult decisions."  Jacob replied.

"What decisions?  It's not up to me to decide what happens here!  I don't want that responsibility!" 

"Well unfortunately its standard protocol for the victim of the crimes committed to have some input into the final decision.  For example I'm sure they are going to want your opinion on what punishment you feel would be appropriate in regards to the former alpha couple, both in relation to them not removing you from an abusive home and to providing your uncle with the drugs he subsequently gave to you."  He paused, looking from Sophie to Zack.  "There is also the matter of your mate."

"What about Zack?"  She asked looking between the two.

"Well Sophie, Zack broke council law too by not reporting his parents crimes.  That can not just be ignored."  Jacob replied, he stood up and moved to the doorway.  "I need to go and contact the council.  I will talk to you both again later today."  He turned to leave.

"I won't be here later Alpha Jacob.  I'm leaving shortly to return home." She said quietly.

Jacob looked back at Sophie then to Zack who had stiffened at her words, the colour draining from his face.  "Are you sure that's what you want to do Sophie?"  Jacob asked gently.

"It's what I have to do!"  She replied.  "I can't stay here.  I can't be in this pack!  Too much....."

"I understand."  Jacob said sadly.  "Will you please leave a number we can contact you on.  I'm sure the council will either come to you or perhaps they can just speak to you over the phone."  He crossed back over to her and gently took her hand in his.  "Good luck to you my dear.  If I can be of any help to you in the future please do not hesitate to contact me through the council."  With one last gentle squeeze to her hand he turned and left.

The silence left behind was stifling.

Sophie moved to the table and sat down opposite her mate.  The minutes stretched on and on before Zack finally lifted his head and looked at her.  What she saw in his eyes almost broke her resolve to leave.  Her eyes filled with tears at the sight of those same tears shining in his eyes. 

He looked as if he had aged ten years in the last few minutes.

His hands lay limp on the table between them and Sophie reached over, laying her own on top.  "You must understand why I can't stay here Zack!  Please tell me you get it?"  She said, her voice catching with emotion.

Zack sucked in a sharp breath, and exhaled on a sob.  The tears fell slowly down his beautiful face.  "I don't want you to leave Sophie please!"  He begged.  "Give me a chance to earn your forgiveness.  Let me prove to you, show you, I can be a good mate to you!  I love you!"  He pleaded brokenly.

Sophie's tears now flowed as fast as his.  "It's not about how good a mate you can be Zack!  Even if I could forgive you, I can't stay here.  I can't be happy in a place that holds so many terrible memories.  Everywhere I look I'm reminded of what happened.  I can't live like that!"  She sucked in a shuddering breath.

Sophie stood and moved around the table to stand at her mates side.  She placed her hand on his shoulder and felt a shiver run through him at her touch.

"I need to move on Zack.  I need to put this place behind me as best as I can.  But I don't want to live the rest of my life a bitter shell of a person, so I need to tell you something Zack."  Sophie waited till he lifted his eyes to hers.  "I forgive you Zack.  It's time for both of us to move on with our lives and make the best we can of those lives."

Sophie leant down and brushed a gentle kiss on her mates cheek.  "I should go, Rose will be waiting for me, take care of yourself Zack." 

As she walked out the door for the last time she looked back and whispered to  softly to carry, "I love you too."  She picked up her case and opened the front door to see Rose sitting patiently waiting for her.

It was over!  She was leaving for the very last time.  and just as she thought, she had left something very important behind.

Her heart.

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