Chapter 34. And the Truth Shall Set you Free!

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A gentle hand laid on his arm brought him out of his thoughts, and he turned to see the focus of those thoughts beside him, concern clear on her beautiful face.

"Are you ok Zack? I know that must have been difficult for you. For it to have come out that way." Sophie said softly.

It was a marvel to Zack that even after everything that had been done to her, everything she had gone through, she could still have sympathy and empathy for anyone, let alone him. And the bastard he was, he was going to take those soft emotions of hers and hold them tight to him.

"I'm fine.  It might not have been what I wanted, or at least the way I wanted the pack to find out what my parents did but Rose was right in that it was past time.  I just hope they......".  Zack paused looking at his mate.

"What?  You hope they can forgive them?  Well you might not believe this but I hope they can forgive them too.  Not for your parents sake but for theirs.  A unsettled pack is not a stable strong pack.  And from what I can see, apart from a few trouble makers this is a strong united pack.  I don't want to see that change."  Sophie looked deep into Zack's eyes.  "Are there any other secrets still to come out Zack?  Is there anything else they should know?"

Zack tensed, unease slithered up his spine.  What did Sophie know?  Had she guessed his parents had gave her uncle the scent suppressors?  "What else could there be?"  He asked carefully.

"I don't know Zack, you tell me!" 

In that moment Zack realised this was his chance.  He could come clean.  He could tell his mate what his parents had done and pray she could find it in herself to forgive him for keeping it from her and keep it from the council. Indecision warred inside him.  He knew he had been silent too long, but he couldn't bring himself to lie to his mate.  But he also couldn't take the chance that she would go to the council if he told her.

"There is!"  Sophie exclaimed quietly.  "What else did they do Zack?"

Zack found he could not get any words passed the lump of dread wedged firmly in the center of his chest.

"Oh my Goddess!  What the hell did they do Zack?  What could they possibly have done that is worse than interfering in a mating?"  Sophie demanded.

Zack swallowed repeatedly, and when he finally managed to find his voice he could only croak out a stumbling string of almost unintelligible words.  He could almost taste the fear he was feeling.  He swallowed once again and finally managed to string a coherent sentence together.  "Please Sophie, I don't want to lie to you.  But I can't tell you what you are asking.  They are my parents and they were good parents.  They made mistakes but they do not deserve to....."

"Deserve to what Zack?  What are you worried is going to happen.  The council knows now they interfered with our mating.  They will probably find themselves banished for that.  They only thing worse than banishment is execution and for that they would have to have committed the most heinous of crimes.  Did they murder someone?  A pack member?  I can't even think of anything else bad enough to warrant execution!" 

"Please Sophie I'm begging you, please let this go.  I promise you they know what they did was wrong.  They are sorry!  But I'm asking you please, let this go!"  Zack pleaded urgently.

Sophie studied her mate, trying to read him.  Trying to work out what had him so worried that he, an alpha, would beg for her compliance.  Sophie realised something.  In the short time she had been with him, she had come to care deeply for her mate.  Against her will her heart had opened enough to begin to let him in.  And more surprising than even that, Sophie found that she was not unhappy with it. 

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