Chapter 31. The Begining of the End?

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The minute Zack stepped out of his truck he knew something was wrong. He could almost taste the tension in the air it was so thick. He turned and looked at his beta and friend Matthew. "Go and see if you can find out what's happening." He ordered. "I'm going to make sure Sophie is ok."

Zack made his way up the steps and into the pack house. "Sophie!" He called loudly. With no reply after a few seconds he called again, urgency to find his mate at the forefront of his mind. "Sophie!" He called again, louder.

Silence was the only reply he got. A sick feeling of dread curdled his stomach. Something was wrong. He could feel it in his very bones. He moved towards the stairs in the hope that she was maybe sleeping, but by the stillness in the air he knew she would not be there.

As he climbed the stairs pounding feet drew his attention back to the still open front door.

"Alpha!" Matthew called from just outside the main door. "Alpha! Come quick. I've found Sophie!"

"Where is she?" Zack demanded.

"She is behind the gathering hall, but something is wrong with her. She has obviously been in a fight and she is crying!"

"Show me!" Zack ran behind his beta, praying the whole way that she was whole and safe. He knew he would not be able to survive if anything were to happen to his beautiful strong mate. He tried to ignore the small voice whispering "anything else" in his mind.

As he rounded the corner of the gathering hall he scented his mate and what he found almost brought him to his knees.

Sophie was leaning against the building, tears running unchecked down her face. She had scratches on her arms, bruises beginning to show on various spots and dirt covered her tear stained face. Zack felt panic beginning to build. What the fuck had happened in the few short hours he had been gone to cause his mate to be in such a state?

He stopped a few feet away and softly called her name. When she didn't respond he stepped closer. "Sophie? Mate? What's happened?" Who did this to you?"

Sophie slowly became aware of Zack's presence and tiredly raised her head. "I'm ok Zack." She murmured quietly. "I'm not hurt. I had to deal with a situation." She stated grimly. "Where were you? Where did you go?" She asked.

Zack frowned. "Didn't you get my note? I left it on the hall table. I had to go into town with Matthew for some supplies. What happened when I was gone Sophie what situation?"

"No Zack I didn't see your note. When I woke up the house was empty." Sophie sucked in a deep breath and pushed herself away from the wall, wiping her tear stained face with trembling hands.

She looked at Zack and saw the worry on his handsome face. "I'm fine Zack! But I can't say the same for Ron!" She smiled grimy.

"Tell me what happened Sophie, what happened to Ron? What did he do?"

"He attacked his daughter again. One of the females came and got me when he attacked her."

"Why did he attack her?" Zack asked in confusion.

"She had apparently told him she was moving out of home and in with some of the other pack females. He went nuts and just as I got there Ron slapped Beth and almost knocked her out. I stopped him from hurting her more and he threatened me. My wolf didn't like that she took over and attacked him when he wouldn't back off and leave Beth alone. She was so angry! She almost ripped his throat out." Sophie sighed deeply. "My know my wolf has gotten much stronger since I've been here.....with you."

Zack gapped in astonishment. He had felt how much stronger Sophie's wolf had become and had been relieved. They had been working hard all week on building her strength. He had been wondering just how much her closeness to him would strengthen her and had been so thankful that if had. Now more than ever. "Is he still alive?" He asked.

"Yes, he still lives. My wolf didn't want to kill him, she just wanted him to feel some of the pain and humiliation that he had caused in his daughter over the years. I told his friends to take him to the healer and that you would deal with him when you got back."

Zack stood looking at his mate in amazement. In just a few short weeks she had changed beyond belief. The pride he felt in her coursed through him filling every corner of his being. "I am so very proud of you my mate. What you did here today, protecting and defending a pack member is what you were born to do. I am sorry however, that you had to do it in the first place. That should never have happened. Everyone was told at the meeting that bullying and intimidation would no longer be tolerated. I will deal with Ron once and for all! Why don't you go back to the house and clean up. I will meet you back there once I'm done with Ron." He finished grimly.

Sophie nodded her agreement and slowly walked away. Just before she rounded the corner of the building she turned back and said in a quiet but firm voice.  "He needs to go Zack, and probably his friends too. The rest of the pack need to know you will protect them. And as long as those pathetic bullies are still members of this pack they will always be afraid. Take a stand Zack and be the alpha you were born to be."

Zack watched her walk away. Shame swamped him. She was right! He had not been a good alpha for these last few years. But he thought that after the pack meeting that everyone was clear on what would no longer be tolerated. He was wrong and that was on him and his mate had to deal with the consequences. He turned to Matthew who stood silent sentry beside him. "Make sure my mate gets home safe then meet me at the healers. This ends today!" He growled.

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