Chapter 17. The Pack!

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Sophie sat staring out the window, watching a few pack members go about their business.  It was strange not seeing the children playing in and around the small park which the pack had built for them a number of years ago.  It had always been a gathering point for the females to meet and chat while their young played.

Even though Sophie had little to no interaction with the pack in the years she lived with them, she had always loved to watch the children run about, so innocent and free from worries.  She had envied them so much.

But now they were gone.  Taken away by the council until Zack and the pack could prove their "innocence".

A gentle tap on the door made her jump and she looked up to see Zack step into the room and close the door quietly behind him.

Zack stood at the door looking slightly uncomfortable, and not moving any further into the room.  Finally he cleared his throat and asked gruffly "How are you feeling now Sophie?  Are you all settled in?" 

"I'm fine, I didn't bring much with me so I didn't take much settling."  She said, a grim smile on her pale face.

"That's good.  Great."  He stammered.  "So listen, the council members have gone into town for the night and I thought it might be a good time to call a pack meeting.  Just to reintroduce you to the pack and the few new members you don't know who joined after you left.  Is that OK?"

"Would it really matter if it wasn't Zack?  I don't really have much of a choice."

"Of course you have a choice Sophie.  If you are not ready we can leave it tonight.  But I thought, with it just being us, we could all get together and discuss how we are going to proceed."

"You mean discuss how we are going to deceive the wolf council and convince them that your parents and pack are not guilty of interfering in a mating and the abuse and neglect of a pup under their care?"

"Please don't be like that.  I'm trying here.  I'm just trying to do my best by everyone.  You said you would help me get the young back and this is how we have to do it."  He ran his fingers through his hair, agitation making the action jerky and uncoordinated. 

Sophie looked at Zack and overwhelming sadness washed through her as she truly looked at him.  Lines of stress and fatigue marred his handsome face.  He looked as though he hadn't had a proper nights sleep in months.  The situation had quite obviously taken a toll on him.  This strong male, who should have been her mate, was struggling with the weight of what he had to do to protect his pack.  And as much as she wanted to turn her back on him she couldn't. 

She may hate this pack for what it had allowed to happen to her, but she could not sit back and see him fail, because she knew it would destroy something in him.  He may never be her mate in truth but she still cared enough about him through the mate bond to not want to see that happen.

"Call your meeting Zack.  I will be there."  She said quietly.  "I will do my best to help restore the pack."

"Thank you Sophie.  I know this is not going to be easy for you, but I will be there beside you the whole time.  I promise I will make this right for you and for the pack.  Whatever happens tonight whatever is said, just please trust me to do the right thing."  Sophie frowned, and wondered for a moment what he meant by that, but pushed the errant thought aside to deal with later.

"Don't make promises you can't keep Zack, let's just concentrate on getting the pups home to their parents."

Zack frowned at his mate, wanting to reassure her again, but could tell by the closed expression on her face that anything else he said would fall on deaf ears.  So instead said quietly.  "I will come and get you in about an hour, it shouldn't take me longer than that to get everyone gathered.  We will meet in the community hall, it's the only place big enough with the privacy we need.  Try to rest till then."

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