Chapter 11. Free at Last!

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In a small cabin about a mile from where Zack fought with his parents, Sophie was lying on crisp white sheets while the healer, an older female, who had introduced herself as Rose, gently cleaned the wounds on her wrists and ankles after doing what she could for her back. She could only do so much. After being tied up with tight cable ties so many times over the years, thick scars had formed around them.

It was very rare to see a wolf shifter with scars. Their advanced healing abilities usually took care of wounds before scaring could form, but her repeated injuries to the same place had allowed them to form. Sophie's body was a road map of scars. Some very old and some very new.

As Rose looked down on the pitiful creature lying so still on the bed, eyes blank of all emotion she felt such overwhelming shame. They had all had a hand in the torment this young female had endured. Oh we may not have known exactly what was going on. But we all knew that Frank Danes was an evil bastard, and we had all saw the bruises marring her pale arms and legs on the few occasions Sophie had been seen outside their home. But we pretended to ourselves that everything was OK because that's what our Alpha had told us. But we were so very wrong.

It was way past time to do the right thing by her. She only hoped it wasn't to late. Sophie had survived this far, she prayed to the Goddess that she had it left in her to fight once more.

"Sophie!" She said quietly. "Sophie can you hear me. I need you to listen to me OK. I'm going to get you out of here. I should have helped you years ago. We should have helped you years ago, and I am so very sorry we didn't. We failed you but I will not fail you again. Sophie please. I need you to hear me."

Sophie turned her head slowly and looked at the healer. It was the first time she had even acknowledged the presence of the healer who had cleaned and treated her numerous injuries. Sadness and shame filled her, at the pity she saw in her kind sad eyes. "Just leave me alone!" She whispered hoarsely, her throat raw from screaming. "If you had wanted to help you should have done it years ago when it might have made a difference. I don't need or want your help now!" She fumed.

"You are right! We should have helped you, and I will go to the Goddess with that shame on my soul and she will judge me accordingly, but Sophie please, let me help you now." She begged. "I have given you the healing herbs to help close your open wounds, and aid with the pain. You should be able to get up and move about relatively pain free. I will get you some clothes and then we can talk. OK?"

Sophie huffed but nodded her head and Rose left the room quickly. When she came back mere moments later she had a loose shirt and a pair of stretchy pants for Sophie. She helped her dress and slowly led Sophie into the kitchen and sat her at the table.

"Have you thought about what you are going to do now Sophie?" Asked Rose gently.

"What do you mean? What can I do?" Sophie asked, confused.

The healer straightened her shoulders. "Do you want to stay here? With the pack? Now that Zack knows you are his mate he will want to claim you. Do you want that?"

Sophie shrank in on herself, humiliation thrumming through her. "He didn't want me two years ago, why would he want me now? I'm broken! My wolf hasn't spoken to me in years. Fr...... he would beat me, beat my wolf, if I shifted to try and defend myself from him..... and eventually she was just gone." Silent tears ran down her face. "And even if he did decide he wanted me, why would I want to mate with him? Why would I want to stay with a pack who left me to be...".  A sob rose in her chest but she swallowed it down. She stiffened her spine and looked at the healer saying firmly. "He rejected me two years ago, this pack rejected and betrayed me seven years ago. I want nothing to do with either him or them!"

The older woman nodded, pleased to see that Sophie indeed still had some fight left. She would need it.

"I can help you leave if that's what you want. I have some money saved. It's not much but it will help you get started till you get a job. I will go to your home and collect your clothes...."

"No!" Sophie shouted. "No." She said again, quietly, plainly. "I want nothing from that place."

Rose frowned but said quickly. "That's fine, I have some things here that should fit you. It's not much but it should hold you till you can get what you want. If you are feeling up to it we should go soon, I don't think it will be long till Zack shows up looking for you. But child, I need you to be sure this is what you want. The life of a lone wolf is difficult. You will have to be prepared to protect yourself from other loners, they will see you and they will consider you fair game. It could be dangerous for you."

Sophie smiled sadly. "There is nothing a lone wolf could do to me that has not already been done. I will be fine."

Rose's heart broke anew. Although she did not know the full extent of the atrocities committed against this brave strong young female, she knew enough to marvel that she had come through it with her mind intact. She knew then with certainty, that Sophie would be fine. Eventually.

"Right then." Rose said briskly. "Let's get you some clothes packed, I have a coat that will probably fit you too, then we will go." She paused and seemed to to want to say something more but instead gave a small shake of her head and turned and walked out of the kitchen.

When she came back in a few minutes later she had a small hold-all in one hand and money in the other.

"There is $3000 dollars here, it's all I have on hand but I will also give you a telephone number. If you need more money call and I will arrange to get more to you." She said.

"I'm sure that will be fine, thank you Rose." Sophie looked out of the window, frowning slightly. "What are you going to tell Zack? If he asks where I am, I mean. You won't tell him will you?" Sophie asked hesitantly.

"No." Rose said firmly. "He will never learn your location from me unless you tell me to give it to him." She moved towards the door. "We should get going, it's a long drive and you are still weak."

As they walked towards Rose's car Sophie stopped and looked around one last time and all she felt was relief. She never had to see any of these people again. For the first time in seven years she was free. Free from the torture. Free from the fear. Free from the callous indifference shown to her by them all. And free from the mate who had denied her.

This was the first day of the rest of her life. And she was going to live it.


When Zach finally reached the healers cabin he found it empty.  When he saw that the healers car was gone also, he knew he had lost her.  If he was totally honest with himself, he couldn't say he blamed her.  After everything she had been through at the hands of her Uncle and his parents why would she want to stay.  But he had hoped that she would give him a chance to try and atone for their wrongs. 

He howled out his grief and rage at the sky, letting his hurt, anger, and loss out till he slumped against the porch rail and rational thought returned.

He would give her some time.  Then he would go after her.  She was his fated mate and nothing would keep him away from her.

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