Chapter 26. Seizing the Mantle!

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As Sophie made her way back towards the pack house, her feet seemed to become heavier and heavier.  She knew it was just reluctance to see Zack, that was causing her lethargy.

A sudden cry caught her attention and she turned quickly to see who it had came from.  She immediately spotted a young female being grabbed roughly and pulled along behind a much bigger male, clearly reluctant to go with him.

As Sophie watched the interaction for a few seconds she realised quickly that the female was terrified.  She looked about hoping that someone would intervene but to her horror she saw the other women present looked just as terrified and were turning away.  Obviously not wanting, or too scared, to get involved.

Looking towards the pack house, she knew she was too far away to get there and bring back help before the male became violent.  And instinct told Sophie there was no doubt he would. 

Decision made, Sophie began making her way towards the frightened female.  Somewhere in the back of her mind she was aware of the fear creeping slowly up on her.  Never had she been the type of person to seek confrontation.  That had been beaten out of her long ago.  But she knew deep in her soul she could not walk away from this, she could not acknowledge the fear, and be able to look herself in the mirror again.

As she drew closer to the couple, she began to hear some of the vile things being said to the pretty young female.  It took her a second to piece together enough to realise that it was the females father.  And by the awful names he was calling her it was clear as day that someone, anyone, needed to intervene.  And it had to be her.

"STOP!"  Sophie called out as soon as she was close enough.  As the male stopped suddenly, he caused the female to stumble forward down onto her knees and she cried out painfully as her arm was jerked back by the tight hold her father had on her.  As he turned around Sophie was equally disgusted, but not surprised, when she realised she knew the man abusing his daughter.  Ron Stevens!

"Let her go right now Ron, you are hurting her."  Sophie demanded angrily.

"Well well well, lookie who we have here.  If it isn't our long lost Alpha Female.  Did I not tell you that coming back was gonna happen.  If you had just listened to me in the first place, then maybe all this nonsense with the council wouldn't be happening."  He sneered at Sophie.  "But it's all gonna work out in the end.  It always does.  Now if you don't mind, this here is private family business and nothing to do with you.  On your way girly, and we will say no more about it."

As he began to turn back to the young female still kneeling on the hard ground Sophie had a moment to wonder what he meant with the "it's all gonna work out in the end" comment.  But that was soon forgotten with the pain filled cry that was expelled from his daughter being forcibly dragged up by her obviously injured arm.

As she watched this vile male abuse his own daughter, Sophie began to experience the strangest sensation.  A feeling of cold calm settled over her like a living blanket.  And in that moment she knew what she needed to do.

As she drew her shoulders up and straightened her spine, she took the three remaining steps needed to put herself directly in front of the male.  And in a voice that Sophie would later wonder and marvel over said clearly.  "Let your daughter go now Ron and report to your Alpha for punishment!" 

In that very second she realised she was speaking as an Alpha, and as a much lower ranked wolf, Ron would be unable to refuse.  He would be compelled to obey her command.  Oh he could try and fight it, and he was.  The look of fury on his face as he fought off the compulsion to obey was clear.  And he fought it hard.

Sophie took another half step closer to the disgusting male and growled warningly, her wolf giving her voice a menacing quality.  "Do not make me ask you again Ron!  Let her go now and report to the Alpha.  Your days of abusing of your daughter are done.  It will not be tolerated!"  She growled low in her throat.  "Get out of my sight now you pathetic excuse for a male!"

That final command was too much and he dropped his daughter's arm forcefully and began to woodenly make his way along the path towards the pack house, rage pouring from him all the way.  She knew she had made a bad enemy here today but if it meant saving someone from what Sophie was sure to be a painful beating, then she could live with it for the short time she was going to be here.

Sophie looked away from the retreating Ron she saw his daughter was still slumped on the ground.  She slowly bent down and extended her hand to help the young female back onto her feet.  "It's ok, he's gone, you can get up now."  Sophie said soothingly.  As she pulled her to her feet gently she asked, "what is your name?"

"Beth."  Said the young female quietly.

"Well Beth, lets get your arm seen to ok.  Then we can go see the Alpha and get all this sorted out.  But I promise, I meant what is said.  He will never touch you in anger again!"

Beth shook her head sadly.  "You don't know what you have done!"  She said quietly.  "i know you were trying to help but you have made things worse!"

Shocked at the sadness emanating from this young female, Sophie realised that she had already given up hope.  And to see it so plainly written on Beth's face speared her to the core.  Something had to be done.  And she was going to make sure it happened.

"Beth, listen to me!"  Sophie said firmly.  "I promise you I will make sure your father never lays another hand on you.  There need to be changes made within this pack.  For too long the senior members of this pack turned a blind eye to crimes being committed against its most vulnerable members." 

As Sophie turned around she realised that the others who where close by had moved to hear what she was saying. Addressing everyone she said passionately.

"For years I was abused by a member of this pack.   No one did anything to stop him.  No one helped me.  Well that ends here and now.  The representative of the wolf council are here to help us and I will make sure that if your Alpha is unable or unwilling, I will ensure that the wolf council take action against any member or members of this pack who abuse their power.  No matter what their rank is."  She looked around slowly making eye contact whenever possible. 

"As your alpha female I vow this too you!"

As those final words left her lips, Sophie realised she had taken on the mantle of Alpha.  These were her pack and for however long she stayed here, she would fight to ensure every members safety.  Even after she was gone.

Sophie looked at the other females present and said firmly.  "Please make sure Beth sees the healer then bring her to the pack house."

As she turned and made her way back along the path towards the pack house, the magnitude of what she was about to undertake settled around her.  And for the first time in her life, she had a purpose.

She could!  She would not fail!   Because if she did, she knew she would never be able to live with herself.

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