Chapter 32. Secrets will Out!

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As Zack made his way to the healers home, he was almost vibrating with rage.  Indignation coursing through his veins. How dare Ron attack his mate!  How dare he attack his own daughter!  Hell he should have know better after the meeting, than to attack any weaker pack member never mind his own daughter!  But the really sad fact was that a pack meeting and a decree was needed in the first place.

A small smirk appeared on his face momentarily chasing away the angry scowl.  Ron certainly met his match today though.  Zack couldn't help but give a silent chuckle.  Goddess he would have loved to have seen the look on Ron's arrogant face when his tiny mate kicked his ass.  Zack was quite sure no one expected that. 

That was their problem!  Everyone underestimated Sophie because of what she had gone through, they all thought she was weak.  That her wolf was weak.  When in reality the opposite was true.  What Sophie had gone through as a child has made her the strongest female he had ever met.  Her wolf might not be at its strongest right now, but even that had not stopped her from kicking the crap out of Ron.  He could only wonder just how strong she would become when her wolf was truly back to full strength. 

Zack noticed his beta fall in behind him as he neared the healers and turned to Matthew.  "Is Sophie ok?  Is she at home?"

"Yes Alpha, I made sure she was inside and that the door was locked."  Matthew said a small smile playing around his lips.  "She is an amazing woman Zack."  He said softly, reverting to the familiarity of first names that years of friendship had borne.  "Even a strong alpha female with a wolf who was at full strength might have struggled with the situation today, but Sophie stood strong."  He hesitated, obviously wanting to say more.

"Speak freely Matthew."  Zack said.  "We have been friends too long for you not to be able to say what you think."

Matthew looked at his best friend and alpha, carefully choosing his next words.  "I will be honest with you Zack, I thought you were making a mistake bringing Sophie back here.  I didn't think she would be able to handle it.  After what happened I thought her to be too.....broken to really be able to help us.  The way the pack treated her or rather didn't, I really believed she would be more of a hindrance.  What her uncle did to her was abhorrent.  But for him to then deliberately mask her scent from you, to make you deny your own mate because of some drug he was giving her.  Then on top of all that your parents knew she was your mate and didn't tell you.  That's fucked up!"  He growled angrily.  "Did you ever find out how Frank Danes managed to get hold of drugs that he should never have been able to get his grubby hands on?  I mean they are strictly regulated aren't they?  Only given in the event of mates recognising each other too young.  How the hell did he manage it? Why didn't your parents realise that's what he was doing?"

Zack stopped walking, and turned to his beta and friend.  There must have been something on his face, some expression that gave him away because before he could even utter a word Matthew frowned fiercely.  "You know, don't you?  You know how he got them!  Who was it?  How did he get them?"  He demanded.

Zack growled in warning.  "Mind your tone Matt, remember who you are speaking too!" Zack said angrily.

Matthew grabbed Zack's arm as he went to move off pulling him back round to face him again. "Zack we have been friends since we were pups you know you can tell me anything and get no judgement. But if you know how that bastard got hold of scent suppressants you have to tell the council. If there is someone out there giving out those drugs without council sanction they need to be stopped."

Zack pulled his arm free of his friends grip. "There is nothing to worry about, there are no more suppressants. Now leave it alone Matthew! That's an order from your alpha!"

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