Chapter 28. Two Years too Late?

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Zack strode quickly into his office, Sophie close on his heels.  As they both cleared the doorway Zack closed it firmly and turned to face his mate.  Before he could utter a word Sophie held out her hand silencing what he was about to say.

"What the hell Zack?"  She demanded angrily.  "What in the Goddesses name has been going on here for the last two years?  Why are those morons still behaving like they rule the pack?  Why haven't you stamped out that disgusting attitude they have towards women and weaker pack members?"

"It's not just as easy as you seem to think Sophie.  I have had to be very careful not to alienate the pack since I took over.  My father had been alpha of this pack for over twenty five years.  He was a very.......traditional alpha.  Set in his ways.  I met with a lot of resistance from some pack members in the beginning.  Not everyone supported me and I had to choose by battles, you could say."  He sighed sadly.  "But as you saw today, there is still a lot of work to be done."

"You had to "choose your battles?" Did you all learn nothing from what happened to me?"  She fumed.

"NO!  No Sophie.  What happened to you will never happen again."  He assured quickly.

"But it is Zack!  It is happening.  Maybe not to the same extent, but it is happening.  When I stepped in between Ron and his daughter today I have no doubt he was going to hurt her."  Sophie crossed her arms and moved over to the window overlooking the pack grounds.  "How many times has it happened in the past.  An argument between father and daughter.  Stronger wolf and weaker.  How many times has that weaker pack member not been seen for a few days after an argument Zack?"

She looked over her shoulder at her mate.  Standing so still.  His mind clearly racing.  Realisation.  That's what she saw on his face now.  It saddened her that it had taken two long years for him to be able to see clearly what she had seen in a matter of only a few hours.

"I never thought.....It never occurred to me......I thought they were just embarrassed at being rebuked in public. I would have stepped in if I had know Sophie, you have to believe me!"  He pleaded.

"I don't know what to believe Zack! What I saw today, the attitude of Ron and his cronies. Nothing has changed in this pack. You have all learned nothing." Sophie shook her head sadly. "When I left here two years ago I had no idea what I was going to do, what would happen to me. And back then I'll be honest, I didn't care if I lived or died. I was completely broken, both inside and out. The last thing I saw as Rose drove me away from here was you. You were striding towards the pack house, tall, strong and determined. Determination. That's what I saw on your face that last day. I knew it was too late for me, but I had such great hope that you might be in time to stop someone else being hurt."  She turned to look at her mate.  "You failed Zack! Not only me, your mate, but every other weaker member of this pack." She looked at her mate, standing so still, shoulders rounded in acceptance of her harsh words. "But it's not to late." She added softly. "You can still fix this. Turn this pack into what it should have been all along. A place of safety for its members. A community of males and females who, regardless of their pack status, come together for the better of everyone."

Sophie sucked in a harsh breath. "But that will never happen unless you get rid of the dissenters. You have to take control of this pack and banish those who stand against you and your vision of what this pack should be."

She looked closely at her mate as he processed her words. You could literally read what he was thinking by the fleeting expressions crossing his handsome face. The silence became heavy, it almost seeming as if Zack had the weight of the world resting on his broad shoulders.

Finally after what seemed like hours but was probably more like a couple of minutes, Zack lifted his eyes, sadness's clear in them. "You are right! You are right about everything! I didn't fight hard enough against those who still followed my Father. I was too caught up in keeping everyone together that I lost sight of the big picture. I lost sight of my responsibilities to every member of this pack. And I'm ashamed that it has taken the almost assault on a female to open my eyes. I should have been stronger from the very start and made the changes that I knew where needed." Moisture glistened in his beautiful eyes. "That is going to change today. I will call a mandatory pack meeting for tonight. We can stand together and implement the changes that are needed." He said determinedly. "And anyone who does not agree and goes against me will be told to leave the pack."

Sophie felt relief course through her. Although sad that a young female had been hurt she couldn't help but be happy that it had been the catalyst to force the changes the pack so desperately needed.

"You will meet resistance from Ron and his friends," Sophie said, "and I'm almost positive they will eventually have to be banished. Behaviour like theirs does not change over night and they do not strike me as the types who even want to change their ways. But they may take their lead from your parents. If you can get them on board with the changes you want to make then it might make your life easier." She suggested.

Zack looked thoughtful before slowly shaking his head sadly. "If I'm being totally honest with you, it was my father that caused most of the problems with his old inner circle. He made it clear from the moment I took over as Alpha that he did not follow my rule, at least not when it didn't suit his needs or wants. As I said he is very old fashioned, and unfortunately still believes females are somehow lesser. Even though some of our strongest fighters are females. I think if the council return them here he will continue to try and undermine me." He began pacing. "I'm not looking forward to the inevitable confrontation with him but I promise you Sophie, you and every member of this pack, no longer will I be complacent. I don't want to see my parents hurt, but I will do what I have to do to keep everyone safe. I didn't do my job as your mate and keep you from terrible harm. I will never forgive myself for that, but I will try every day to make it up to you. You are my mate, the one person in the whole world made perfectly for me and if it takes the rest of my life I will do everything I can to earn your forgiveness." He said passionately.

Sophie sighed sadly. Oh she knew Zack would try, he would try and be the perfect Alpha and the perfect mate. But she knew he would fail. It wasn't that she would never forgive him for his parents sins or even for his own. But she knew she would never be the mate he needed. There was also the conversation she had overheard earlier. What secret was Zack keeping from her. What did he know what his parents had done all along!  Was that the secret he was keeping?  She did not know.  And that was the problem.  All these questions for the moment would go unanswered.

But she knew deep in her soul that whatever that secret was, it was one she would never forgive.

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