5- Meet me at the pier

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Be at home in 5 minutes or I'll tell mom you do drugs.

I rolled my eyes at Jake's text and pocketed my phone as a guy approached me. I recognized him from my English class.

"If this ain't the infamous basketball captain," He smirked, taking an empty stool beside me. 

The bartender behind the bar who went by the name Laura, slid a glass of beer and lit the cigarette for me. I gave her a nod and received a wink from her. I knew all of the staff here but the 22 years old Laura in her high heels, dyed dreads and detailed tattoos along her arms was my favourite.

Oh and in case anyone is wondering about Ashen, he had dropped me off at home and at around 8'o clock I had decided to go to the bar alone. I was really getting bored after this breakup with Daniel.

"If this ain't the hottest boy in the bar," I replied to the boy in front of me and inhaled the cigarette before puffing out smoke in the air. The white cloud danced between us before dispersing somewhere else.

"You don't know my name, do you?" He gave a short laugh and ordered a beer himself. "Well, I might've forgotten yours as well."

I leaned towards him and whispered, "We can do more than learn each other's names."

"I bet you'll be saying mine a few minutes from now," He said, leaning forward and placing a hand on the back of my seat.

I got up from the stool and he looked up at me with lust in his eyes. I traced his jawline with my forefinger as his eyes landed upon my cleavage. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me towards him by my waist. I brought my face down and our lips met.

My phone beeped but I ignored it.

It beeped again. I ignored it. Again.

Beep. Ignored.

We moved to the corner of the bar, away from the purple fluorescent lights and wasted people, not breaking our kiss in the process. He pinned me to the wall and I slid my hands under his t-shirt.

My phone started ringing.

He broke our kiss and looked down at me. "You might want to take it," He said, gasping for air.

Cursing Jake I took out my phone which had stopped ringing. There were three text messages from him.


Don't drive if you're drunk

Take a cab or something. MOM IS ANYTHING BUT CALM

Come home NO W


I buttoned up my shirt and left the bar, wondering if there had been an emergency at home. Had I consumed more alcohol, it would have been really unsafe for me to ride my bike but lucky for me, my alcohol tolerance was more than just one glass of beer.

I parked my bike outside the house and ran inside to see quite a peaceful atmosphere inside our living room where my family and our neighbours were laughing while drinking coffee. They all looked in my direction when I closed the door behind me.

"Hi," I said, without bothering to fake a smile and glared at Jake who simply shrugged. He had interrupted my make out session so I could hang around with Mr. and Mrs. Gray?

What the actual fuck?

"Oh, you've come at right time," Mr. Gray smiled at me and gestured for me to sit down. In my heart, I thanked Laura who had covered me with body spray and given me a chewing gum before I had left the bar. "I was asking the others about their career plans."

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