6- "You mind if I join you?"

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Why do I have his number and why is it saved as Jas?

What does it stand for? Jerk Ass Scam? Jasper Asshole?

Okay I should stop slaughtering his name and image. 

My contacts were connected to my e-mail so all of the phone numbers from my previous phone had been transferred to my new one. I stared at the screen for a few more seconds and then switched off my phone just as Clara walked towards me. 

We parted ways after getting out of the mall as our rides were parked in different places. I put on my helmet and started my bike. The beach was near the mall and it was the only reason I was actually going there.

The smell of the ocean hit my nose as soon as I neared it. I parked my bike and walked over to the almost empty pier. There were a few couples sitting by the shore, waiting for their romantic sunset moment.

It wasn't hard to spot Jasper with his blond hair, standing at the far end of the pier. Why was I complying to his text message? Kicking my feet on the sand in frustration, I stepped on the pier and walked up to him.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked, cutting to the chase.

He turned around and the wind caused his hair to blow in his eyes. It looked like a scene from a painting, with white clouds placed against an ombre sky that turned from pink to orange and then to yellow. Against all that beauty of nature stood the Jasper like a semi-silhoutte. There was enough sun light for me to make out the sharpness of his jaw and the slight hollow of his cheeks.

"You came," He spoke in a surprised voice. "The sunset is pretty nice from up here"

I rolled my eyes walked up to him. "You texted me," I stated, putting my hands on the rod in front of me that surrounded the pier. I looked ahead at the ethereal sunset ahead of me.

"Well I didn't expect you to still have my number," Jasper said, looking at me. 

"Why did you call me here?" I repeated myself.

"Can we talk after i enjoy this beautiful view ahead of me?" He asked. I looked at him and met his eyes. He turned his ahead and stared ahead at the horizon.

"You wanna jump in the water?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"What?" He turned to look at me.

Ignoring him, I pulled up my shirt over my head and threw it by our feet. He looked at me in surprise and then immediately looked away upon seeing me in my bra. The sky was starting to get darker. I pulled off my tracks, got over the rod surround the pier and jumped in the water.

"Scarlett!" Jasper called from above as I went under the water. I soon emerged and looked up at him.

"What?" I asked and he shook his head. 

"You mind if I join you?" He asked and gave him a shrug. Why are you asking me?

He took off his t-shirt and jeans before jumping in beside me. "Oh, I missed this!" Jasper said, a huge smile on his face. The kinda smile that showed his teeth and lit up his entire face.

"Didn't you have beach where you lived?" I asked as we both moved towards each other.

"It was a two hours drive," Jasper said. "But we had a pool there as well and I liked to go skinny dipping when no one was at home, though."

"I have never done skinny dipping," I said as we both stopped swimming towards each other but stopped at an appropriate distance.

"No way!" Jasper said, not believing my words. "You are not the kind of person from whom I'd expect that."

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