11- "It was fun last night."

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I woke up due to my friends making noise in my room. Why were they so energetic and why were they in my room so early in the morning. A second later I realized I wasn't in my room. I was actually on the couch in our living room. I groaned and picked up my phone. It was 3:30 PM. Okay, maybe not so early. A bottle of wine was placed on the table with an empty glass was beside it. 

What happened last night? Did I have sex with someone? Was it Ashen?

I sat up, irritated by the noise of my friends. They were sitting on the floor and playing a video game. Actually, it was just Jake and Liam playing while the others were supporting and cheering on whoever's side they were.

Ashen saw me get up and came over. He knelt by my side and smiled up at me. "Morning."

"Why are you all here?" I groaned and went up to my room to take a bath. I was still in yesterday's clothes and makeup.

I came back downstairs and went to the kitchen. "How can I help?" Ashen asked, following me to the kitchen.

"By not talking to me," I said. I hated conversing with anyone during the first 30 minutes of waking up. I needed time to come back to earth. Just because I had been asleep for 13 hours doesn't mean I'm fresh.

I made myself a cup of coffee and fried nuggets before returning to the couch. I sat close to Ashen and said, "Sorry for not dancing much with you last night."

"Oh, no, it's okay," Ashen brushed it off. "It was fun last night."

"How did I get home?" I asked him.

"You were pretty drunk so Jake took you home," Ashen told me.

"I got drunk real quick last night, huh?" I said to no one in particular.

"Least to say, mum and dad weren't happy to see you on couch like this in the morning," Jake said, eyes glued on the TV screen. They were playing some two player combat match and Liam was losing. Ashen went over to sit with the rest of the group on the floor as it was his turn to play next apparently.

"Did anything interesting happen last night?" I asked. Last thing I remembered was dancing with our group to Funk Down Up. Then alcohol really started kicking in and I decided to sit down to sober up.

Why did I not remember anything after sobering up? Did I end up passing out immediately? I don't remember anyone taking me back home.

I had so many questions but Clara just handed me her phone. I clicked on the folder named Homecoming '20. I swiped to see the photos. There were so many of them so I made myself comfortable by resting my feet on the table in front of the sofa. Jasper came to sit beside me to see the pictures and I tilted the phone to the right so he could see them as well.

I paused swiping when I came across a picture of me and Jasper. We were sitting on a bench, looking at each other and smiling. "It's a nice picture," he said. "You mind if I post it on Insta?"

"No," I said as the events from last night came flooding in.

Dancing with my friends, sitting on the bench alone, Jasper joining me, Liam throwing beers at us.

"Liam, you idiot," I said looking up at him. "Did you get me further drunk when I wanted to sober up?"

"Didn't know you wanted to sober up," Liam shrugged. "Your alcohol loving ass drank the beer on its own accord."

A slow song playing in the background, me leaning forward towards Jasper...

My head snapped in his direction. "Did we..." I trailed off. No, we did not. He backed away, remember?

"You're welcome," Jasper laughed. "For saving you from the embarrassment and regret right now."

"Must've been hard resisting me," I lowered my voice a little. I was starting to feel embarrassed but tried to keep it cool.

"Must've been impossible for you to resist me," Jasper smirked, leaning closer to me. 

"You missed your once in a life time chance," I said, getting up to wash my now empty plate and mug. "Don't expect a second chance if you end up in regrets."

Jasper gave a short laugh and nodded.

"How does Ashen's grade is A and Jake's S when Jake won?" Jessica was saying as I washed my dishes. "Isn't A like the best?"

"In gaming S is better than A," Jake explained it to her nicely. Had it been literally anyone else in this room, he for sure wouldn't have been this kind. He offered her the controller but she refused. He then offered it to Clara and Ashen gave his controller to Jasper.

We hung around playing video games for another hour before Jessica got annoyed and said she'd plug out the Play Station if we did not stop gaming.

I swear mom gives us that exact threat. If Jess marries Jake she might get along well with mom. 

"You all have been playing this shitass game for three hours!" Jessica said, making her way to the socket board. "Quit it or I'm going home."

"Okay, fine, let's watch a movie," Liam suggested.

"Something other than the TV," I said. We had been playing games with eyes clued on the TV for too long.

"We can watch it on laptop," Jake said and I glared him.

"Let's hit the beach," I said and Jasper's face brightened like a child's when given a candy.

"Oh, yes!" Jasper said. "I haven't surfed in a while."

And so it was decided.  As we all were too many for one car, we divided the people into two cars. Feeling slightly hungover from yesterday, I decided not to ride my bike. 

Word count: 969

Sucks how I lost my readers after the mini hiatus but anyways...

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21 December, 2020

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