3- "How horny are you?"

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We spent hours in the arcade playing games and dancing on the dance machine. We competed in every game there no matter how difficult or childish it was. Everyone was required to participate, which did not turn into my favour as I was not particularly good with the dancing machine (you know, that DDR thing). We ate dinner at the restaurant we usually do. It is called Pizzetta Continental and is near the arcade. To this day none of us know what the name of the restaurant means and why it is named that.

By the time I was home, I was tired enough to fall asleep immediately without even setting up my bag or preparing my clothes for tomorrow. It's okay, I told myself. The clock read 8:11 PM and I set alarm for 6:12 AM, giving me exact ten hours of sweet sleep. I wanted to wake up fresh and my senior year to have a good start.


Good start, my ass.

I groaned as I managed to get off my bed. We had exerted our bodies too much yesterday and now my entire body was aching. I should not have tried to top Liam's score on the DDR. My feet were hurting too much now.

I started to do some stretching in hopes of getting rid of the pain but that did not help at all. I went to the bathroom and prepared myself a hot bath, grateful that I woke up early.

After almost sleeping in the tub, I got up and packed my school bag. I went downstairs to make breakfast for the rest of the family before going back up to get dressed.I managed to straighten my hair and put on light make up for the first day of school after summer break. I was too excited to go back and have fun on the campus. Also, I immensely missed the basketball court.

I went downstairs and we all had breakfast together. Jake also declared that he was aching and Dad offered to drop us school. After finishing our food, we went outside and waited for mom and dad to lock the house and come outside. Ashen, Amanda and Jake stood outside their house and came over to greet mom and dad. 

"How are you both going to school?" Mom asked and Jasper told her that Ashen had his motorcycle and his mother would drop the rest of them.

"I can drop you both to school," Jake offered. "Except today as we're going with Dad."

"I can get to work on my own," Mom said. "You all go together. It would be nice."

"I'll go get my keys," I said. "You can go with dad." I went inside to get the keys and my helmet. 

I realized how much immersed I was with my friends yesterday to think about Jasper. I also realized that I did not have any nightmares on both the previous nights. Looks like I was worrying for nothing, I thought as I went outside, started my motorcycle and took off for school.


I parked my bike and entered the school with a huge smile on my face despite the pain my body. I waited for Jake by the gates as I had arrived earlier than him. Dad's car arrived and mom got out with Jake's phone in her hand with Jake hurrying towards me. Knowing the traditions, she smiled as she took our picture together by the school gates. We have been taking pictures on first day of new class every year and could not have missed the last addition to our collection. Jake showed me the picture and I smiled at it, a little sad yet happy that we won't be doing this next year.

 As much as I love this place, I did want to move forward.

"Nice building," someone said and I turned around to see Ashen standing behind me. I don't know if it was my good mood or the nice weather clouding my judgments but he looked hot. He was wearing a black button down shirt which was a nice contrast to his dark hair. "Oh, we're matching." He smiled looking at my black clothes as well.

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