1- "The Grays are coming?"

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"Should I get a haircut?" I said to no one in particular. My mom ignored me and kept sketching on the couch. The TV was open in the background and they were showing the highlights of yesterday's football match. Oh, by the way, by football I mean soccer. It just confuses me as to why Americans say soccer when almost rest of the world says football.

"Doesn't matter," Jake, my five minute older twin brother, said as he changed the channel. He had watched yesterday's match just like every other UCL match this season. "You're gonna look ugly anyways."

"Should've sent him to the boarding school, mom," I said as I sat down beside my mother with a mug of coffee in my hand. The corner of mom's lips curled up into a smile but it did not last for long as Jake threw a cushion at me. I gasped and barely managed to get my coffee out of the way, almost spilling it on the carpet.

"Jake!" Mom glared at him and he smiled apologetically. "Grow up you both!"

"What did I do?" I asked incredulously. This is what happened. When one of us got into trouble both of us got scolded from some reason.

"Tonight we are having guests over so you both better be on your best behaviour," Mom said and I looked at Jake to see if he knew anything about it. He shrugged and asked mom who was coming. "You'll know. Just don't go out today and get ready."

I looked at Jake, asking for assistance. Today I had to meet up with a guy to help him pick a birthday present for his sister. I would cancel it but postponing plans last minute seemed rude "Uh, mom," I began and hoped Jake would back me up. "I have to go to the music store with a friend today. I'll be back before dinner, promise."

"Just cancel it, will you?" Mom said just as I heard footsteps nearing towards the living room. 

"I'll help you mom," Jake said. "She's useless anyway." Not true. I am very useful but arguing would not have gone in my favour so I nodded in agreement.

Footsteps grew louder and dad came in the living room. He sat down in the armchair and motioned for Jake to pass the remote of the tv. After handing the remote over, he went to the kitchen to make dad breakfast.

"Iron my clothes," he told mom. "I have to pick Sebastian and his family from the airport after a few hours."

"Who?" I asked and my mom glared at my dad.

"My friend who used to live next door," Dad said casually, not knowing that mom was giving him signals. 

"The Grays are coming?" I asked, hoping against hope that dad was talking about some other neighbourhood friend that we had no idea about.

"Yes, you didn't tell her?" Dad looked at mom who shook her head.

"Their son, Jasper, want to give Jake a surprise," Mom explained. "You both try not to mention the Grays till they come, okay?"

Dad nodded and turned on the news. I remained there, frozen in my place. There was a sudden desire to reach for the cigarettes in my pocket but I resisted it in the presence of my parents. Jake came out of the kitchen with breakfast and I went into the garden for some fresh air. I turned on my phone and texted Jessica to come over if she was free. I have known the girl since the first year of highschool when she moved in town that year.

I sighed at looked up at the sky. It was mostly cloudy and I was glad the sun was not shinning bright on my face. I was not much fond of sunny summers. I preferred the snow, warm outfits and hot drinks in cold weather than sweating in the summer. I did not even usually visit the beach in peak summer times because a) it was too crowded and b) it was too hot. Due to the recent news and thoughts of beach I got reminded of how much Jasper Gray used to love the beach. We used to go and play in the water when the sun was not scorching. We even went there once during mild winters but our parents had not let us go in the water for the fear that we may get sick. 

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