13- "What the fuck, Gray?"

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I was avoiding eye contact with Jasper and I think he knew it. I really needed to stay away from him now. I had thought that he wouldn't remind me of the past because of how much he has changed but beneath all those layers of flirting and new found confidence, he was still the old Jasper Gray.

I woke up early to my alarm saving me from the nightmare. It had been two days since I fainted in the sea. I sat up, panting and switched of the alarm. I sat on my bed for a few silent moments, my head in my hands.

I took a deep breath and went to the bathroom. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I thought I would feel better.

Just in case anyone was wondering, no, I did not feel better. My head was still hurting.

I got the pack of cigarettes from under my matress, took one out and dropped the pack on my bed's side table. I lit one up and opened the window of my room

I was hit with a wave of fresh air. I inhaled in the morning air before putting the cigarette between my lips. It had been a whole year since I felt the need for it. I had been smoking because I felt it helped. When the nightmares stopped last year, I only smoked once or twice in a month for fun.

Old habits die hard.

However, right now, there was no fun involved in me smoking. I puffed smoke in the air, trying to forget the nightmare I had. I had been having the same dream for years, until it stopped and then resumed without a warning.

No. Maybe Jasper Gray was the warning.

I fainted that day at the beach and my friends had to rush me to the hospital. Apparently my blood pressure was low or something...or was it the sugar level? Honestly I don't even remember what the doctor had said. My family and friends kept asking me what had happened and I kept acting as if I did not know.

The window in front of me opened and I ended up blowing smoke on Jasper's face. He coughed and tried to wave the smoke away.

"Good morning to you too," He said when the smoke died down. He was kneeling on his bed which was placed by the window of his room unlike mine.

I ignored him and continued doing what I was doing earlier. Can't even smoke in peace now.

"Okay, rude," Jasper said and fell back on his bed. I noticed that he was just in his white shirt and shorts. To be honest, I couldn't see his shorts but I assumed he was wearing them.

I finished the cigarette and threw it outside.

"Littering isn't cool," Jasper came back to his window.

I know. I hate littering. I just couldn't care right now.

I picked up another cigarette and lit it up before leaning forward on my window and smoking. Jasper reached out to me and took the cigarette out of my fingers.

I glared at him angrily and he smiled apologetically. I might've find him cute if I wasn't furious at him.

"What the fuck, Gray?" I clenched my jaw.

"You're avoiding me again," Jasper said. The cigarette burnt itself and ash fell down in the alley between us. Talk about littering.

"It's too early for me to talk to anyone," I said and turned around. "We can talk later." I put my cigarettes back under the mattress and went in the bathroom to change into tracksuits.

I came out, tied my hair in a quick, low ponytail and walked over to pick up my phone and tangled earphones from my bedside table.

Untangling my earphones, I went downstairs and out of the house.

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