15-"It's mine!"

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"I'll tell Mom if you get a B in Physics again," I said, entering Jake's room. His room was like mine except that it was painted in pale green while my walls were teal. Another difference was the placement of window. While mine was placed in a way that looked out to the alley and the Evans' house, Jasper's looked out to the front yard and the street.

Also, did I mention he had a balcony? 

I was envious of him when we split our rooms at the age of 8 and Jake got the room with a balcony. The only reason I did not mind it much was because my room was next to Jasper's and we could stay up late at night and talk to each other.

"Okay, snitch," Jake rolled his eyes and continued playing a game on his phone.

"Jake, you won't get into good universities if you keep slacking off," I said firmly. 

"Okay, mom," He muttered.

"I'll let Mom and Dad deal with you," I said and left his room. 

Jake was the kind of a person who could get straight As if he worked hard. He had perfect grades last year and if he tried hard enough this year he could actually get into one of the top universities. He was also in the student's council and a captain of his soccer team. It just frustrated me that he took his brains for granted.

Jessica was right. Behind Jake's goofiness and silly behaviour lied a smart person.

Oh, Jessica. I remembered that I had to talk to him about her and entered his room again.

"I will study for the actual exams," Jake spoke as soon as I entered the room. "Please don't- oh fuck I died!"

He grunted as his character in the game died and looked up at me. "What? I died because of you."

"No, you didn't die because of me," I shook my head and jumped on his bed. "I have to talk to you."

"Did Mom find out about my D in Biology?" He asked with a worried expression.

"You got a D in Bio?" I exclaimed. Now this information was new.

"I swear I'll actually finish the paper in the real exams," Jake promised. He never took class tests seriously if the marks would not enter his report card. Smart kids had the liberty to pull this shit off. The teachers wouldn't scold him either because they knew he would ace the actual exams.

"Screw academics for now," I waved it away and he looked relieved. "I wanna talk about Jess."

"What about her?" Jake sat up straight.

"You have to tell her that you like her and why," I stated.

"But I'm not sure if she likes me," Jake bit his lower lip. "I mean....I don't wanna ruin our friendship."

"Look, you know how insecure she can get," I said and he slowly nodded. We both had known her for years. "You need to tell her what you see in her. You have to tell her that you like her."

"But...what if she rejects me?" Jake scratched the back of his neck.

"She won't," I said. "I just know she won't."

"And what makes you say that?" He raised an eyebrow. "Did she explicitly say that she likes me?"

"Well, not explicitly." I put forward my hand to stop him from speaking. "But, she never said that she didn't like you when we were talking about you."

"Y'all talk about me?" Jake's expression turned smug.

"Yes, Jake, I had to bring up the conversation because you're single as fuck with zero game," I stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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