8- "Later, brother!"

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Scarlett's P.O.V

"Did you just call me 'fatass'?" I looked at Jasper dead in the eye. Due to unfortunate turn of events, we were sitting at a café  across from each other. I was too angry to reply to his questions so he tried getting my attention by calling me a fatass.

"Do you mind?" Jasper asked.

"I don't care but the fact that you called me fat remains," I pointed out.

"You're not fat, though," Jasper stated with a shrug.

"But the fact that you called me-" I was cut off mid sentence.

"Yes, you've already said that," He said, making me more frustrated than I actually was.

"Stop arguing with me, Jasper Gray!" I said a little loudly.

"You're the one arguing," Jasper said calmly. The fact that he was calm right now was not helping me feel less angry.

"Why do you have to talk back to me?" I pressed my palms on the table. 

"You totally sound like my mom," He said with a laugh. "Come on, I get it's a bummer that we can't go to that party but we can still have a good time. We really don't have to study."

He took my bruised hands in his and smiled at me. As much as I hate to admit it, this thing that he was doing did calm me down.

"I had a bad day and I was hoping to let off steam," I said.

"You wanted to work out at a party?" Jasper asked and I looked at him as if he was stupid. Soon his face turned into one of a realization and his mouth widened. "Oh, you meant sex. Let's forget I said that work out thing."

"Are you..." I trailed off, not believing that he said 'work out at a party'.

"Dumb? Not usually, no," He shook his head.

"I wasn't going to say dumb," I said and he flashed a smile at me. "I was probably going for...imbecile?" His smile quickly vanished and I laughed at it.

"Stop sulking and get me cold coffee," I said, opening the notebook placed between us. 

"Iced Americano?" He asked, getting up.

"Ew no," I made a disgusted face. "Milk and sugar, dude."

"Anything else, ma'am?" He asked sarcastically. "Your wish is my command."

"Did you forget that I agreed on teaching you calculus?" I said and he went to get my order without another word.

30 minutes earlier.

Jasper's P.O.V

According to Scarlett, the reason why Jake would be attending Arts class was "as clear as today's night's sky". Jessica took that class and Scarlett was 100% sure he had a crush on her. 

"My intuition about crushes is always correct," she had said. If it was really true then it was clear that I was getting friend zoned.

They say that real men admit their crushes and don't run away from their feelings. I admit that my heart skips a beat when whenever Scarlett looks me in the eyes and smiles but I don't have enough nerves to tell her that. What does that make me? Mini man? Half man? Semi man? Fake man but man nonetheless? 

What a blessing it is to keep your thoughts to yourself.

Scarlett had texted Jessica to come over for a mini party. She, like anyone else, assumed that her other friends were going to be there as well. We told her that Maddie had to do something and Liam was supposed to be somewhere.

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