10- "I'm at a perfect height for kissing."

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Jake's P.O.V

We were sitting in my car as I drummed by fingers on the steering wheel. Why was there a slight awkward tension between me and Jessica? We have known each other for years and were pretty comfortable around each other before today.

"Should I go inside to check on her?" Jessica spoke, ending the silence.

"No, I'll call her," I said, grateful for a distraction. Just as I took out my phone, the gate of my house opened and Scarlett came out. She was in a black dress and her straightened hair were let loose on her back. "Not looking hideous."

"Thank you, dear brother," she said and lowered down at my window. "You two go. I'm gonna take the ride with Ashen."

"Don't be late," Jessica said from her seat.

"Don't worry about me," Scarlett said. She looked from Jessica to me and winked. "Have fun." 

She went back in the house without another word.

"Last homecoming," I said, turning up the engine. "Here we come!"

"Wohoo!" Jessica laughed as I sped up the car.

"Excited for tonight?" I decided to stop being stupidly awkward. It was just Jess, after all.

"Yes," She agreed. "Can't wait to get drunk."

"Looks like I'm the driver back home too," I smiled.

"Well, it is your car," Jessica pointed out. "If I was driving then I'd have to drop you home and take the car at my place."

"True," I nodded. "I don't need the car tomorrow anyway. It's Saturday."

"Or," Jessica said. "I can stay over at your place."

"Just say you want to be near me all the time," I said. Her reaction to my flirting would tell me if she saw me simply as a friend or something more.

"As if!" Jessica scoffed and laughed nervously.

"Well you can sleep in my room," I continued, acting as if her response was not affecting me at all. "I'm a great cuddler."

"Is that even a word?" She turned to look at me.

"The fact that I'm good at cuddling remains," I said and she laughed. We listened to some music on our way to school.

"Clare!" Jessica waved at Clara to notice her once we stepped in the school gymnasium. The fake blonde look over at us and walked with a huge smile on her face. She was wearing a silver top with a black skirt. They both complimented each other's dresses and makeup while I stood there, waiting for someone to say that I was looking good too.

As on cue, Jasper entered the party area and raised his eyebrows at me. "Who is this smoking hot boy?" He said. 

"Oh, I love you," I said, giving him a hug. We broke apart just as Scarlett entered with Ashen. From afar, they did look good together but I needed to know the kind of guy Ashen was. I leaned forward to ask Jasper about his cousin to see him looking at Scarlett.

Jasper mouth was slightly open as his eyes trailed from Scarlett's high heels to her face. He was looking at her in admiration and I frowned at that sight.  Upon seeing him, she gave Jasper a smile and he blinked before smiling back at her. He turned towards me and said, "What? Why are you frowning at me?"

"Were you just checking out my sister?" I asked him.

"It's called looking at someone," Jasper said. "She looked pretty so I was just..."

"Oh, thank you, Jasper," Scarlett who had just walked up to us, said. Jasper's eyes widened before he turned around to meet her eyes. "Is Jake being unnecessarily overprotective again?"

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