4- "I can drop you home"

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"You applying for the students' council?" I asked Jake the next morning while passing him a mug of mango shake. I picked mine as well and sat across him on the dining table. We were out of coffee and dad said it would be nice for my body to not drink it for a few days.

"I don't wanna get in," Jake said with a yawn. He must have stayed late to play video games yesterday. I had slept after school and then got up for dinner only when my mom forced me to. I had dinner and then went back to sleep.

"What do you mean?" I frowned at my brother. "It will look good in your uni application."

"I am already the captain of football team," Jake pointed out and took a bite of his sandwich. 

"Yes but two things look better than one when you're applying for good schools," I told him.

"Who said I want to apply for a good school?" Jake said. "I don't mind getting in a nearby uni."

"Jake," I said in a stern voice. "Your grades are almost perfect. Do a little more of extra curricular and try for Ivy League unis."

"It's not easy to get into Ivy League, Scarl," Jake said with another yawn.

"Yes," I agreed. "That's why I'm telling you to work hard for it. You have the potential-"

"Can we talk about this later?" Jake said, rubbing his eyes. "I'm sleep deprived right now. Let's get ready and leave early. I need a coffee."

I sighed and nodded,  deciding to drop the subject for now. I told him to take a bath and that I'd wash our dishes. If my grades were as good as Jake's I'd try to get into the top unis but knowing my brother he considered it as too much work. I sometimes wanted to smack him for giving such little effort when it came to academics. He had good grades without giving it his all. I was pretty sure he'd get into a good uni if he cared a little.

I hung the washed plates back on their stand, took off my apron and sat on the couch to catch up on the last night's texts. I opened our group chat first.

Sica: How did the trials go?

Liam(chem lab): Yo Jake your friend was so cool

Sica: What was his name again?

Clara: Scarlett what was his name?

I knew she'd tease me.

Wombmate: Jasper was in the team of his previous school

Sica: Scarl check dm
Sica: Who you busy talking to?

Liam(chem lab): Daniel probably

Sica: Or maybe someone else
Sica: Who knows

Clara: Who knows

Wombmate: she's sleeping

Clara: Alone?

Wombmate: You also need to sleep

Liam(chem lab): COD after dinner?

Wombmate: Onn


Wombate: Clare, you playing?

Clara: Nah
Clara: My brother's using the playstation
Clara: And I'm tired as well
Clara: Goodnight

I checked Clara's private chat where she had said to call her. There were a couple of missed calls from Sica and Liam. There was also a text message from Ashen. We had exchanged numbers in the school.

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